Showing posts with label space. Show all posts
Showing posts with label space. Show all posts


The Map To Heaven

For a long time, we have had visions of escaping our beautiful blue star ship and getting out of our luxurious fish tank in the sky to the unimaginable limits beyond. This passion for such a journey led me to research our galaxy, its place in all of creation and go even further into the depths of darkness. The goal was to determine if indeed there was a Heaven and if so, where is it? Well after exhaustive study and countless hours of going backward, second guessing myself to assure some shred of accuracy, I finally found it!  While I was not able to determine what is beyond the passages of the many galaxies that surrounds Heaven, I was at least able to create a map of how to get there. Here is a rendition (obviously not to scale) with a brief description of where Heaven is and how to get there from Earth.

The Map To Heaven

Now folks, if you're anything like me, when I found out just how "fa-ha-ha-ar" this was, I was a little disgusted, because I'm thinking to myself, hey look! We can just hop in the old USS Star Ship Enterprise ('mind you secret projects all over the world are working to build one in real life-don't think they're not and with your tax dollars by the way) and just hop on over to Heaven just in time for dinner! Um, no. After putting this entire scope of everything into perspective, I was brought back to reality and quickly reminded, I'm good with the way things are. I can always just say a prayer, wish upon a star or just stare off in the sky at night and say...yep; nice. Good enough. Let's go. And leave it that. Because let me tell you this! Not only is the Celestial Gathering of Universal Galaxies, called the "T.I.A.M.A.I.T." (I'll explain more about that later in the site, don't worry), so unbelievably freakishly far away, but it's so indescribably BIG that you can't tell where Heaven begins or ends! But I'm going to do the best I can to describe it to you.

Imagine for a moment that you are standing in the center of your room where you are now and there is a blue golf-ball equally positioned on the other side of the planet from exactly where you're standing. Well that's about how far away Earth is from Heaven. And then remember, you're a full sized human being comparing your size to that of a golf-ball, well that's about how big Heaven is to us. Let's turn to the M2H Map below for a clear explanation.

Star Point 1. You recognize that right? That's right. It's the Milky Way, home of our Solar System, home of Planet Earth. So get in the Star Ship and let's go for a ride. Now this is the easy part. We are going to exit the Milky Way heading North by Northwest, keep straight until you're just outside The Spirals and make a left. Then keep going straight for about...get ready for this...22 billion light years. That's right. I said it. 22! Hope you packed extra undies, because there's no way in hell I'm turning back. 

Star Point 2. Coming up, you will see a Super Nebula, you will want to make a right just past the Super Nebula and keep straight for another 22 billion light years. I know, ridiculous right?
Well, I warned you it was far. 

(are we there yet? not even close...)

 Star Point 3. Hey the scenery at least changed a bit. This time, we're
looking for the Cat's Eye Nebula, just off to the left of the Star Ship.
Pretty eerie to look at it just staring back at you all cold and dark and
spooky. So let's just keep going. This time, we only have to make a
slight left and keep going for about 19 billion light years and we're in the
home stretch! Ah, you can do it. We've come this far right! Let's go.    

(are we there yet? almost...)

Star Point 4. Now things are starting to look brighter. We are
almost there. Take a look out of the right of the Star Ship and you
will see-you guessed it-a very unnecessarily large, bright
Cat's Eye Nebula, that looks right at you and says in a warm
pleasant voice, "welcome to the outer rim of the universe."
I'm feeling better about this trip already. And to think you wanted to
turn around and go home. No way! It's only 3.5 billion light years 
due North to get to the Gate and we're Heaven bound!

(are we....No! good grief...)

Star Point 5. (ding-ding)  Ladies and gentlemen from the
flight deck, this is your Captain speaking.
We have just entered into the outer rim entrance to the Celestial
Gathering of Universal Galaxies, known as T.I.A.M.A.I.T.
to the locals. In the center is a galaxy approximately 10,000 times
the size of the Milky Way, with 7 suns surrounding a teal blue-green
planet about 10,000 times the size of Earth. Outward from there are
12 perfectly placed galaxies, each specific to their own. This is the
home of all Creation known and unknown; seen and unseen; only a short
122 billion light years from Earth. Enjoy your stay here in eternal
paradise or wherever your final destination may be.

(are we...Oh yeah, we're here :)

And for the first time, in a long time, we will have time--on our side. We will be one with ''all that is'' and ''all that is'' will be one with us

-DeMaster A. Thomas

M2H Map Copyright: 2011 (click on map to enlarge)


The New Earth: Only 20 light years away

Found 20 light years away: the New Earth

Last updated at 19:20 26 April 2007

 It's got the same climate as Earth, plus water and gravity. A newly discovered planet is the most stunning evidence that life - just like us - might be out there.
Above a calm, dark ocean, a huge, bloated red sun rises in the sky - a full ten times the size of our Sun as seen from Earth. Small waves lap at a sandy shore and on the beach, something stirs...

This is the scene - or may be the scene - on what is possibly the most extraordinary world to have been discovered by astronomers: the first truly Earth-like planet to have been found outside our Solar System.

The discovery was announced today by a team of European astronomers, using a telescope in La Silla in the Chilean Andes. If forced bookies to slash odds on the existence of alien beings.

The Earth-like planet that could be covered in oceans and may support life is 20.5 light years away, and has the right temperature to allow liquid water on its surface.

This remarkable discovery appears to confirm the suspicions of most astronomers that the universe is swarming with Earth-like worlds. We don't yet know much about this planet, but scientists believe that it may be the best candidate so far for supporting extraterrestrial life.

The new planet, which orbits a small, red star called Gliese 581, is about one-and-a-half times the diameter of the Earth. It probably has a substantial atmosphere and may be covered with large amounts of water - necessary for life to evolve - and, most importantly, temperatures are very similar to those on our world.

new earth

It is the first exoplanet (a planet orbiting a star other than our own Sun) that is anything like our Earth. Of the 220 or so exoplanets found to date, most have either been too big, made of gas rather than solid material, far too hot, or far too cold for life to survive.

"On the treasure map of the Universe, one would be tempted to mark this planet with an X," says Xavier Delfosse, one of the scientists who discovered the planet. "Because of its temperature and relative proximity, this planet will most probably be a very important target of the future space missions dedicated to the search for extraterrestrial life."

Gliese 581 is among the closest stars to us, just 20.5 light years away (about 120 trillion miles) in the constellation Libra. It is so dim it can be seen only with a good telescope. Because all planets are relatively so small and the light they give off so faint compared to their sun, finding exoplanets is extremely difficult unless they are huge.

Those that have so far been detected have mostly been massive, Jupiter-like balls of gas that almost certainly cannot be home to life. This new planet - known for the time being as Gliese 581c - is a midget in comparison, being about 12,000 miles across (Earth is a little under 8,000 pole-to-pole).
It has a mass five times that of Earth, probably made of the same sort of rock as makes up our world and with enough gravity to hold a substantial atmosphere.

Astrobiologists - scientists who study the possibility of alien life - refer to a climate known as the Goldilocks Zone, where it is not so cold that water freezes and not so hot that it boils, but where it can lie on the planet's surface as a liquid.

In our solar system, only one planet - Earth -lies in the Goldilocks Zone. Venus is far too hot and Mars is just too cold. This new planet lies bang in the middle of the zone, with average surface temperatures estimated to be between zero and 40c (32-102f). Lakes, rivers and even oceans are possible.
It is not clear what this planet is made of. If it is rock, like the Earth, then its surface may be land, or a combination of land and ocean.

Another possibility is that Gliese 581c was formed mostly from ice far from the star (ice is a very common substance in the Universe), and moved to the close orbit it inhabits today.
In which case its entire surface will have melted to form a giant, planet-wide ocean with no land, save perhaps a few rocky islands or icebergs.

The surface gravity is probably around twice that of the Earth and the atmosphere could be similar to ours. Although the new planet is in itself very Earth-like, its solar system is about as alien as could be imagined. The star at the centre - Gliese 581 - is small and dim, only about a third the size of our Sun and about 50 times cooler. The two other planets are huge, Neptune-sized worlds called Gliese 581b and d (there is no "a", to avoid confusion with the star itself).

Just because Gliese 581c is habitable does not mean that it is inhabited, but we do know its sun is an ancient star - in fact, it is one of the oldest stars in the galaxy, and extremely stable. If there is life, it has had many billions of years to evolve. This makes this planet a prime target in the search for life. According to Seth Shostak, of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute in California, the Gliese system is now a prime target for a radio search. 'We had actually looked at this system before but only for a few minutes. We heard nothing, but now we must look again.'

By 2020 at least one space telescope should be in orbit, with the capability of detecting signs of life on planets orbiting nearby stars. If oxygen or methane (tell-tale biological gases) are found in Gliese 581c's atmosphere, this would be good circumstantial evidence for life.

Dr Malcolm Fridlund, a European Space Agency scientist, said the discovery of Gliese 581c was "an important step" on the road to finding life. "If this is a rocky planet, it's very likely it will have liquid water on its surface, which means there may also be life." The real importance is not so much the discovery of this planet itself, but the fact that it shows that Earth-like planets are probably extremely common in the Universe. There are 200 billion stars in our galaxy alone and many astronomers believe most of these stars have planets.

La Silla, Chilean Andes, Telescope Range
The fact that almost as soon as we have built a telescope capable of detecting small, earth-like worlds, one turns up right on our cosmic doorstep, shows that statistically, there are probably billions of earths out there. As Seth Shostak says: "We've never found one close to being like the Earth until now. We are finding that Earth is not such an unusual puppy in the litter of planets."

But are these alien Earths home to life? No one knows. We don't understand how life began on our world, let alone how it could arise anywhere else. There may be an awful lot of bugs and bacteria out there, and only a few worlds with what we would recognise as plants and animals. Or, of course, there may be nothing. The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute uses radio telescopes to try to pick up messages sent by alien civilisations.

Interestingly, Gliese 581c is so close to the Earth that if its putative inhabitants only had our level of technology, they could - just about - pick up some of our radio signals, such as the most powerful military transmitters. Quite what would happen if we for our part did receive a signal is unclear.
"There is a protocol, buried away in the United Nations," says Dr Shostak. "The President would be told first, after the signal was confirmed by other observatories. But we couldn't keep such a discovery secret."

It may be some time before we detect any such signals, but it is just possible that today we are closer than ever to finding life in the stars.

William Hill said it had shortened the odds on proving the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence from 1,000-1 to 100-1. Spokesman Graham Sharpe said: "We would face a possible eight-figure payout if it were to be confirmed that intelligent life of extra-terrestrial origin exists. We felt we had to react to the news that an earth-like planet which could support intelligent life had been discovered - after all, we don't know for sure that intelligent extraterrestrial life has not already been discovered."
The new planet, so far unnamed, is 20.5 light years away and orbits a red dwarf star called Gliese 581.



This is a photo of Nefertiti the Goddess who lived in Ancient Egypt, notice this Goddess's head. Her skull is extremely elongated, this would mean her brain would be much larger than a normal human's. Therefore making her extremely intelligent. This is actually a statue of her, it is in a museum in Egypt currently. Several pictures in Ancient Egypt portray some of the Gods or Goddesses with extremely large elongated heads. Is this some coincidence, why would the Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues, there had to be a motivation of some kind apart from an artistic one, and in my opinion there is nothing artistically appealing about a large elongated head, so why did they do it? Read on to find out why!

alienThis is a photo of a skull found in Peru, notice the elongated back of the skull. This is one of the many Deformed skulls photographed in the Museo Regional de Ica.
This is clearly not a human skull, we have been fed a variety of unlogical explanations as to why this skull has this formation. Several like it were found in Peru with small variations. Many artifacts that were clearly of Egyptian origin were also found in Peru dating back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. However these two cultures and countries were not supposed to have had contact back then being so far from each other. Many odd things are found in Peru, the Nazca lines, a set of animal and geometrical lines engraved onto the ground which extend for miles. Engraving these lines would require a view from above to do them correctly, yet they were not supposed to have aircraft back then. So how did they do it?? This skull gives us a good idea. If they had brains big enough to fit into these skulls they could obviously find ways to fly in aircraft or spacecraft no doubt. A photo of other skulls found in Peru are below. 
ancient aliensThe next picture is an engraving in Ancient Egypt, notice the hats worn by the two adults, could they be covering their large heads and skulls? Notice the 2 babies, one on the left has an elongated skull, so do the 2 on the right. Could all these facts be just coincidences? Of course not? We are not all that gullible to keep accepting all these foolish arguments for all these obvious alien things we see around the world. Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, we have been fed a bunch of baloney about the origins of all these incredible works and their builders. We are told in schools that the great pyramid of Egypt took 40 years to build and it's purpose was to bury a pharoah. Come on now, are we that gullible and were the Egyptians that gullible? Of course not, who would spend 40 years of hard labor building a pyramid just to stuff a dead body in it after 40 years of hard work. That hardly sounds logical for such an obviously advanced culture as the Ancient Egyptians. They invented their own language for god sakes, are we to think they were dumb enough to spend 40 years sweating their guts out for only burying 1 body. That is the stupidest thing we have been fed by Egyptologists to date. In Mexico the group of pyramids including the pyramid of the sun are known by people in Mexico by legend as "Place where the gods touch the earth." In all evidence this probably means where the aliens landed. Where they touched the Earth... Think about it, the pyramids are large stone monuments in Mexico with steps going down the sides. What better purpose for the steps than to allow the aliens to climb down the pyramids to the ground. That is the most logical reason for their construction. And to think that primitive people could build something so incredible is well not likely in all logic.
alien photos from history 
This picture contains 1 Egyptian with some strange device on his or her head, while his friend has an elongated head and slanted eyes. This photo is not artistic in nature as you can see. Their is nothing very artistic about it, so why give the guy such a large head. Because he had one is the most logical answer. Look at the complex code on the tablet, some primitive people didn't do all that, aliens did.

alien spacecraftHere are all the skulls found that are  elongated at the back. All these skulls are cataloged and genuine. They are all together in a museum.

ufo pictures aliens This object was found at Saqqara, in Egypt. This is one of the flying machines that we see portrayed in Ancient Egyptian paintings on walls and hieroglyphics. Notice the spirals on each side of the object, this is a universal shape, in fact it is the most common geometrical shape in the universe. To represent it in such a way depicts their understanding of the universe, to put it on this plane could signify that they explore the universe. The side view of this object resembles the following hieroglyph below  which is found several times throughout Egypt. It looks like a plane of some sort, as does the object above. However I am more inclined to think this was an airship used once in the atmosphere of a planet. Ufo's of the disc type were probably used to enter space, however this plane type could also possibly enter space, however the aerodynamics might be more suitable to an atmospheric environment, such as us using planes to fly in the sky as opposed to the space shuttle.

ufo pictures aliens 
One of the  Deformed skulls photographed in the Museo Regional de Ica.

Reptilian looking entities found in Iraq - 5,000-4,500 BC.

Sumerian Gods

Alien Gray Entity

Art Exhibit British Museum #52

Strange suited figure found in Kiev. It dates to ca. 4,000 BC.

7000 year old petroglyph discovered in the province of Querato, Mexico in 1966.
There are 4 figures with outstretched arms below a large oval object radiating what appear to be beams of light.

Petroglyphs dating back thousands of years ago by ancient Indians in the American Southwest. According to Indian folklore, two objects collided high in the sky and one crash-landed in the region of Death Valley. Some men arrived (presumably in another ship) and spent some time repairing the damaged craft and were observed by the local Indians. The two images below may possibly depict the ship (left) used by the men who came to repair the damaged craft. In comparing the two images, the one on the right seems to depict structural damage around the edges and the bottom. Could it be the one that allegedly crashed? The images are stills taken from an old TV series entitled "In search of..." hosted by Leonard Nimoy.

6000 BC from Tassili, Sahara Desert, North Africa.

Cave painting from Tanzania. Estimated to be up to 29,000 years old. This picture is located in Itolo and depicts several disc shaped objects.

Wandjina petroglyphs from Kimberley, Australia.
About 5,000 years old and may represent alien beings.

Illustration depicting a sighting of a burning wheel in the year 900 over Japan.

This is a tapestry called Summer's Triumph It was created in Bruges in 1538 and presently resides at the Bayerisches National Museum. You can clearly see several disc shaped objects in the top of the tapestry. 

15th Century


This picture shows a UFO sighting over Hamburg, Germany
The objects were described as 'two glowing wheels' -
November 4, 1697 - Wheels - Spoked Wheels.

A disk shaped object is shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus - Fitzwilliam Musuem, Cambridge, England - Painted in 1710 by Flemish artist Aert De Gelder. It depicts a classic, hovering, silvery, saucer shaped UFO shining beams of light down on John the Baptist and Jesus. What could have inspired the artist to combine these two subjects?
Frescos throughout Europe which reveal the appearance of space ships in the skies including this painting of 'The Crucifixion' - painted in 1350. It seems to depict a small human looking man looking over his shoulder - at another UFO as if in pursuit - as he flies across the sky in what is clearly a space ship. The leading craft is decorated with two twinkling stars, one reminiscent of national insignia on modern aircraft. This painting hangs above the altar at the Visoki Decani Monestary in Kosovo, Yugoslavia. 


This painting is called "The Madonna with Saint Giovannino". It was painted in the 15th century by Domenico Ghirlandaio (1449-1494) and hangs as part of the Loeser collection in the Palazzo Vecchio. Above Mary's right shoulder is a disk shaped object. Below is a blow up of this section and a man and his dog can clearly be seen looking up at the object.

The painting above was done by Carlo Crivelli (1430-1495) and is called "The Annunciation with Saint Emidius" (1486) and hangs in the National Gallery, London. A disk shaped object is shining a pencil beam of light down into Mary's crown chakra. A blow up of the object is next to the painting.


How to Dream Walk

How to Dream Walk

How to Dream Walk
How to 
Dream  Walk
How to Dream Walk
User-Submitted Article
In this article I will teach you how to dream walk. What is dream walking, you ask? Dream walking involves entering the dreams of others and interacting with them in their sleep. "Yeah right", you say, but I can say first hand that it is real. I remember the first time someone from the lucid dreaming forums entered my dream, I was in shock! He came in the form of a mouse at first and then took on the form of a woman. He told me I was dreaming and sure enough I was. I know it sound crazy, but this is very real. I've learned to enter the dreams of others myself, though it is VERY difficult and it doesn't always work.

Regardless, this article is not meant to prove that it is possible. It is for those of you who already know it's possible and want to learn HOW to do it.
Difficulty: Challenging


  1. 1
    How to Dream Walk
    How to Dream Walk
    Master the art of lucid dreaming! Before you are going to be able to enter the dreams of others, you will need to master the art of becoming conscious during your dreams. I prefer falling asleep conscious, but that is rather difficult for most people to master. I recommend you learn how to master the technique of programming yourself to become aware you are dreaming in advance and then realizing you are dreaming after the dream has started.

    Again, I prefer just falling asleep and going into REM consciously, but it took me MANY years to master this technique.

    If you still need to learn how to master the art of lucid dreaming, read this article here:

    It will teach you how to do it.
  2. 2
    How to Dream Walk
    How to Dream Walk
    Decide your target and contact them! Decide the person you want to contact in the plane of dreams and make it very clear in your mind you want to remember to contact them once you are aware in your own dream.

    Once your body is asleep, your mind is awake and you know you are dreaming then you can attempt to shift into your target's dream. However, if they are not in REM this technique will fail. You can't enter someone's dream and interact with them if they are not dreaming. That's what makes this technique so difficult -- you have to be able to go lucid in dreams virtually at will, because timing it out so you are in REM at the same time they are is a tricky thing to do!

    I recommend making a list of friends you want to contact, just in case, so every time you go lucid, you have a much better chance of at least catching one of them in REM at the same time you are.

    Anyways, you want to know HOW to enter their dream! If they are asleep and dreaming, it is quite simple, once you become aware you are in a dream. All you do is close your eyes, say the name of the person out loud and form the image of their face in your mind behind your closed dream-eyelids and start spinning around in circles. That's right, hold your arms out to your side and spin around in circles as quickly as fast as you possibly can! When you feel like you are in their dream, feel free to stop spinning and open your eyes. You'll just know when you are near them in their dream.
  3. 3
    How to Dream Walk
    How to Dream Walk
    Interact with your target. I am not sure what your intentions of practicing dream walking are, but they must be pretty strong if you made it to this point. Mastering the above two techniques is no easy task! It has taken me years to get it down to a science.

    Interacting with the target can be the best part. You can tell them they are dreaming and try to make them become lucid. However, for some reason untrained people are VERY hard to awaken in the dream world. Many of my friends have refused to believe me in the dream world, but then the next day some of them have told me they had a 'strange dream' about me the night before. You may not want to waste your time trying to convince them they are dreaming, but if you do, simply ask them to remember how they got there. They will find that their memory is all fuzzy and they can't remember how they ended up where they are at that moment! Tell them that is because their body has fallen asleep and they are in a dream.

    Personally, I prefer to do other things with my targets. You can offer them advice that will stick in their subconscious mind when they awaken. Most people don't remember their dreams, so they won't remember you telling them, but they will believe it as truth. You can basically control the minds of anyone whose dreams you can enter. I know, it sounds like some sort of weird dark art, so use it responsibly and only for the good of all involved. However, it REALLY works.

    Good luck!

Read more: How to Dream Walk |

So what's really out there?

Our observable universe is not 30 to 38 billion light years in distance.
Dusty_Matter Posted: Fri, Jun 26 2009 10:17 PM Reply

While perusing the August 2009 issue of Astronomy magazine, I came across a one page article who’s topic was on the edges of our universe. In it, was the idea that the limit of our observable universe is roughly to about 38 billion light years in radius from us. This is wrong. In the article the author mentions a galaxy named A1689-zD1, who’s light took 13 billion years to reach us. In other words, we can glimpse a galaxy as it was 13 billion years ago. Now, 13 billion years ago A1689... was only 3.35 billion light years away from us, however because of the expansion of the universe it now lies about 30 billion light years away. This is true.

If it took 13 billion years for the light to now reach us, from a galaxy that was only 3.35 billion light years away from us in distance, that would mean that that light is extremely stretched. (red-shifted)
If the universe is 13.7 billion years old, and now A1689... Is 30 billion light years away from us, if we subtract 3.35 billion light years from that distance and average out that galaxies speed of recession from us, how fast is that galaxy’s average speed of recession from us? The answer is almost twice the speed of light. 30 - 3.35 = 26.65
26.65/13.7 = 1.945
How can we observe something that’s average speed is almost twice the speed of light? And as an object gets farther and farther away from us their speed of recession increases due to the expansion of the universe. In other words A1689... Is really traveling at more than twice the speed of light from us, now. How can they say then, that our observable universe is roughly 30 to 38 billion light years in distance? It’s not. Looking out in distance is also looking back in time, and we can only see so far back into time. About 13 billion years or so.
It’s like taking a photo of a bird in flight. And then six months from that time, you pull out the photo show it to a friend, and say. “That bird is now thousands of mile away, and so because of this photo, I can now see over a thousand miles in the direction that that bird flew in.” The Hubble Ultra Deep Field shows lots of little baby galaxies. These galaxies are now well over 20 billion light years away. Do you think they stayed little baby galaxies? They never merged, or collided, shrank in numbers, and grew in size? Is the photo of A1689... From 13 billion years ago still a current photo? Because that galaxy (which has certainly changed in over 13 billion years time) is now 30 billion light years away, is it justifiable to say that we can now observe things 30 billion light years away? Can we see objects that are receding from us at twice the speed of light or greater? The answer is no.

While distances can be confusing, we can only see as far back in time as about 13 billion years ago. That severely limits our observational horizons. We cannot see those ancient distant objects where they reside today, and their light will now never reach us. Our observable universe is limited by time, and speed of recession, and nothing is going to change that.
The author then said something about the “great attractor” being beyond our visible universe. He says “many astronomers think this…” As far as the “great attractor” is concerned, it is not located outside of our observable universe, especially if you are saying that the horizon to our observable universe is at least 30 billion light years away. In fact it lies much closer than even 13 billion light years away. It is thought to be in the region of the Shapely Supercluster. All less than even a billion light years away. I can’t help but wonder, just how “many astronomers” think it’s beyond our visible universe?
I am also beginning to wonder if the writer of these articles is really doing his own writing.
“You cannot choose what reality is. It is what it is” ---- Me.



Okay. So the interpretation of "Dream Weaver: Night Dreams Part III-Journey 9" Lead me to this conclusion. Time is NOT something you "do", it is something "that is"! I know. Confusing, right. Not at all. Here is how "time" works. Time is-simply put-a measurement tool. It is utilized in several ways on a cosmic and earthly level. The greatest example of "time" as an actual "object" is travel. Literally, traveling to and from one place to another. In order to get from here to there you must travel. You will not get there without literally traveling THROUGH time. Case in point. A plane flies a distance of 2400 miles in 3 hours, which is 800 miles per hour. The origin was from the Pacific Standard Time Zone and the destination is in the Central Time Zone. Ergo, the difference in time is 2 hours. Going to the Central point in time, you lose 2 hours. Coming back to the Pacific point in time, you gain 2 hours. This is because time in-and-of itself is an actual physical object that you passed through in order to get from Point A to Point B. TIME NEVER MOVED. YOU DID. When you traveled from Los Angeles to Chicago, you went forward into the future-when you came back, you went 2 hours into the past. Things that have happened in Chicago have not happened in Los Angeles yet. This is not a concept-it is a daily reality. The time line itself never moves - you simply move up or down the time line that is already there. You can continue to do this all the way around the planet and outward from the planet.

Quantum theory and mechanics accept that "time" is constant, but refuse to accept that once in permanency-always in permanency. In other words, 12 inches will always equal a foot. Period. 1+1 will always equal 2. Forever. Not to break your quantum leaping hearts, but the element of time cannot cancel itself out. It is simple grade school math. 1+1=2-1=1; not ZERO. But that small irrefutable, but important factoid is only for my science geeks. Let's move on.

Time cannot undo itself or turn in on itself. Time can however, be overlapped with another time line. In other words, while this thing is happening one place at this moment in time, this other event is also taking place at the same time somewhere else. Time was the same; only the actions were different.

You see, all measurements of distance and relativity are essentially broken down to the power of "10" and "tenth" increments. The power of 10 times 10 times 10 and so on from the smallest known point of origin to the largest calculated point of destination. This is why we measure distance with time. We use it everyday when driving to work or taking a bus, train or airplane to another city. The same goes for traveling from this planet to distant point outside the universe. When using the element of time to get from our point A-Earth to the point B-Other Universe, we have taken "time" to get there. We speak time travel jargon everyday in our normal routines and don't even realize it. We say things like, In order to get something done, it's going to take "time". Whether a little or a lot, everything we "do" takes "time."

So you see, in our own little way, we are all time travelers. By being in existence, in action, constant motion, constant movement-or lack thereof, we are utilizing one of the most powerful tools we have. Time. Our daily vocabulary is riddled with it. "Take your time...time to go...what time will you be here...stop wasting time..." and the list goes on and on. Time is not a verb, it's a noun. Just remember, it is still the one of the many natural elements of existence that we cannot synthetically reproduce no matter how far we turn our clocks back so please  make the most of your "time" and utilize it wisely-because once it's gone-it's gone. 
-DeMaster Thomas


Something in them there skies

Alaska. The last frontier. For the residents maybe. But for travelers and visitors, this incredibly large area of land has been a quiet place of mystery and wonder. There are over a dozen different native cultures in Alaska, from Athabascan to Chugach. Surprisingly, none of these cultures had a formal written language. And while research and historical data give insight to their lifestyles, for many years, there was not much recorded study into their spiritual beliefs.  The hunt for The Source started in Fairbanks, on up through Denali, finally leaving us to set up shop in Anchorage just outside of Kincaid Park. Up until now, the answers were found below. But once we reached the land of daytime nights and nighttime days, we turned to the skies to find answers from above.

So what's really in the skies over Alaska other than cold air and static electricity? Some of the early natives believed and still believe that the gods are present all around them in the skies, the water, the land, and the creatures of the earth. After spending four years going through each indigenous venture in search of the source, we finally ended up in a remote village in Western Alaska with a very special tribe known as the Inuits.

There are so many tales of the Eskimos and their practices, but not many that relate to aliens, UFO's, conspiracy theories, etc. The imagination of the modern world burns at both ends merely miles away from ancient civilization. While there is a root of beliefs, they are quite different from the average Christian, Muslim, Jew of the millennial society. The mentor I worked with, bottom-center in the photo above, agreed only to share if his true native name and rank were kept anonymous. So we will call him "Floyd". "Floyd" explained how it was the Native Americans of the contiguous regions that brought their belief system to Alaska. The Russian influence on the Thule Peoples eventually led to a more developed language and recording of their own history. And then with the unavoidable mix of other people's beliefs with their beliefs, they developed a polygamous system that would clearly define who and what The Source is. Researcher and Historian, Paul Burke put together this chart that clearly highlights many of the gods that "Floyd" explained:

Inuit Gods


Good spirit that lived under the ice and helped with hunting and fishing.


Evil god of the sea that could hurt boating by biting them.


Mother goddess of childbirth.


Gatherer of the dead. Anguta carries the dead down to the underworld, where they must sleep with him for a year.


The moon, brother to the sun whom Moon chases across the sky. Aningan has a great igloo in the sky where he rests. Irdlirvirissong, his demon cousin, lives there as well. The moon is a great hunter, and his sledge is always piled high with seal skins and meat.


God that lived in the sea, whose movements created the waves.


God that lived on land and controlled the movements of the whales.

Ek Chua

God of merchants and cacao growers. Black faced with a huge nose.


The demon cousin of the moon. Sometimes Irdlirvirissong comes out into the sky to dance and clown and make the people laugh. But if anyone is nearby, the people must restrain themselves or the demon clown will dry them up and eat their intestines.


Evil Earth spirit with the appearance of a dog.


Goddess of the sea and the creatures of the sea. A one-eyed giant. A frightful old hag, but she was young and beautiful when her father threw her in the sea as a sacrifice. A sorcerer wishing to visit Sedna must pass through the realms of death and then cross an abyss where a wheel of ice spins eternally and a cauldron of seal meat stews endlessly. To return he must cross another abyss on a bridge as narrow as a knife edge.


A beautiful young maiden carrying a torch who is chased through the sky by her brother Aningan, the moon. The planet Jupiter is the mother of the sun and very dangerous to magicians. If they are careless, she will devour their livers.


God of the Earth that was the most powerful and owned all of the deer.


The earth god, master of hunting to whom all deer belong.


Old woman deity that was able to walk on water.


The good spirit, representing everything in nature good and helpful to man.

After all the rituals, food, traditions and folklore; rich with history and adventure out in the Bush with "Floyd's" people, it was not until the last meeting with "Floyd" on a cold October night, sitting in a cafe on 5th Ave in downtown Anchorage, that he finally revealed the best kept secret he said was "hidden in plain sight." He said, "there's something in them there skies." He explained that all the Inuit gods have a Master; a single source of infinite energy that is omnipresent and ever-changing. The spirit of the source is revealed in the winter skies in the form of the Aurora Borealis. Science defines it one way, but "Floyd" explained that long before scientists came along, the Aurora Borealis was called by its true name; the TiamaiT. He said, "the TiamaiT is the birthplace of the source; seek and ye shall find and ye shall be granted wisdom. Turn your mind to the sky and be open to receive."

So with that being said, the quest for the source was turned to many a night, studying under the midnight sun, recording the colors, shapes, patterns, and sounds. At first I was not sure what to look for, so I left it all open to interpretation. Just as I was about to give up, it came to me. It was not the Northern Lights I was supposed to be researching, it was the TiamaiT. What is it? Where is it? Is "it" even an "it" at all? There had to be more.

Feeling like the search in the skies was hopeless, I wrote off the entire experience as a great five years of living the wonderful Alaskan lifestyle, not realizing all the while, the real lessons were soon to come and the real truths would later be revealed. The data was recording all right, going straight to my subconscious, being stored, processed and deciphered. It was more than just dancing lights of colors in the sky, it was a language; being transmitted through sound. The sounds were then subconsciously translated into images: images that looked a lot like this:


marks the spot

{sleep now}

-DeMaster Thomas-

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