What's the story on Lilith, Adam's "first wife"?
Dear Straight Dope:
What's this I hear every so often about Lillith, Adam's (as in adam and Eve) first wife?
We dunno what you've heard. You could have heard Lilith is a model for
Oppressed Womanhood. You could have heard she's a succubus who gives
men wet dreams. You could have heard that she's a demoness who murders
babies. You could have heard that she's a goddess, the wife of Death.
On the one hand there are all these (and likely other) interpretations.
On the other hand there are the legends themselves, which are also
quite varied, from Jewish folklore. Let's start with a paraphrase of the
most familiar legend, which dates to medieval times, from the
controversial work known as the Alphabet of Ben Sirah, including a few of our own interjections:
Let's start with the Bible as primary source material. Genesis of
course mentions Adam and Eve, but -- please note -- doesn't mention
Lilith. The idea of Lilith as a "prior first woman" before Eve arises
much later. The only reference to Lilith in the Bible (Old or New
Testaments) is Isaiah 34:14, probably written around 540 BC; it's a
description of desolation, jackals and ravens among nettles and briers,
etc.: "Goat demons shall greet each other; there
too the lilith will repose." Most of the other creatures referenced in
this poetry cannot be positively identified. The KJV, following the
Vulgate, translates "the lilith" as "the night demon," confusing the
lili- with the Hebrew word for night. But presumably Isaiah meant some
sort of demon.
The notion of a lilith as a demon is probably Assyrian (say around 700
BC), incorporated into Isaiah by way of the ancient Israelite contacts
with the mythologies of Babylonia and Chaldea. The Assyrians had three
female demons, Lilit, Lilu,and Ardat Lilit. There's little doubt that
the Hebrew lilith-demon mentioned in Isaiah was a folkloric adaptation
of the Assyrian demons.
Several hundred years after Isaiah, we find Talmudic writings that
describe Lilith (now as a named demon, rather than a broad category) as
an irresistibly seductive she-demon with long hair (presumably worn
loose, a sure sign of wantonness) and wings. Terey wants us to be sure
to say that she's a succubus. She seduces unwary men, then savagely
kills the children she bears for them.
From this, she becomes the demon responsible for the death of babies.
In ancient times, one needed to protect against such demons; today, we
blame other factors for the death of infants. To guard against Lilith,
superstitious Jews would hang four amulets, one on the wall of each room
of a newborn babe, with the inscription "Lilith - abi!" ["Lilith -
begone!"] which some think is the origin, much later, of the English
word "lullaby." OK, that's legend one: a she-demon who kills babies.
So that's the legend(s) and their origin(s). A little confusing, but demonology is not an exact science.
Now, a brief footnote in Modern Times. You can imagine that modern
feminists would latch on to the rabbinic story of punishment for
resisting male domination, and use Lilith as a symbol. It's a two-edged
symbol, of course, since Lilith as a demon who destroys newborns
pre-dates the medieval explanation of Lilith as a rebellious wife.
However, the modern use of Lilith as a symbol of oppressed womanhood remains
quite strong and with every modern interpretation of ancient history, a new legend is born.