Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts


The Ambassador's Creed for the New World Order

The Ambassador's Creed
for the redeemed of the new world order
The power of Re-

Our Heavenly Father is the One True Creator
His only Son is the One True Word
the Lord of our people
In Him shall we serve
In Him shall we reign
In Him shall we love
In Him shall we live in accordance
In Him shall we learn and speak in all languages
to all persons of God in all places
We are the ambassadors of the One I AM
the One who reigns infinite in the Most High Place
We serve Him
We shall be reminders to all of the Promise 
of The One True Creator to be fulfilled
We will be Re-
but never re-placed
One are we with the Way the Truth the Life
the Living Word that was is and always will be
We are beholden to the High Command
We are protected by the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
So shall it be

DeMaster A Thomas


"Draw Closer"

What draws us to the paranormal? The supernatural? The unknown beyond? Is it pure human curiosity or is there truly something embedded in our DNA that is part of a larger, spiritual force? Is it not strange that the only credible witness of supernatural beings were in the days of ancient history and biblical times? Believe it or not, this is SO on purpose to push the scale to force us as humans to act on belief and faith alone. No matter your background, religion, etc., no matter if you even believe in other worldly life or not, it's there. Prime example, Joseph was drawn to the Manger when he woke up and did what the angel of the Lord had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. Even though she was knocked up by another angel by means of artificial insemination with the seed of Creator of All Things! He had no union with her until she gave birth to The Son and gave him the title, Jesus, which means "To Save".  We know now, none of the Superior Celestial Beings were ever called by their original actual names, so we give them titles instead.  So in this popular example, Joseph was acting on his belief. 

"What do You Believe?"
Then there is Mary. What drew her to the manger? Biblical history tells us an angel titled, Gabriel or "Strong One", told her she would carry a child, deliver it, raise it and let it go into the world not to be changed by the world, to change the world. That's heavy stuff for a 16-17 year old virgin! Then and now! It was not a prophecy the supernatural being explained to Mary, it was a Master Plan. On purpose for a purpose. The Strong One even told Mary her relative, Elizabeth, who was believed to be barren and up in age, was already six months pregnant thanks to a little intervention from his kind. She believed the being to be honest when he said, "I am the Lord's servant" she said, "may it be as you have said" and he left. Mary was acting on her commitment to succeed an impossible mission. Mary was not supernatural. The practice of impregnating a virgin is not even supernatural as modern science has proven. But what makes her actions so beyond the norm is she believed. That - is supernatural. 
  "What are you committed to that is 'impossible'?
Like it or not, that little nudge inside you that helped you overcome the impossible was not done by you alone. You had to tap into the special part of you that is not your own-the ability to believe, commit and act on the premise of hope are all "supernatural" actions! It is that irresistible push from the pit of your stomach, the fire in your belly, the heat in your bones, the force in your drive. It is that part of you that is from your Creator. Your natural abilities are from your mother and father, your supernatural abilities are from God. Therefore, it is literally impossible to achieve the supernatural without God. 

"What drew Jesus to the manger?"
Here's the best part about the supernatural human power of belief, commitment and action. We get stronger through our attitude! That's right, it's all about attitude. Your attitude should be the same as "The One Who Saves". The Anointed One, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something be comprehensible, tangible or even something to be held. Instead, He made himself nothing, took on the chores of a servant, a common man and took on the attitude of a human. Many believe if He really was the Son of God, why didn't act like all the other supernatural beings before Him? Why did He not take humans as slaves and concubines and rule the world? It was His attitude that made all the difference. His attitude was Love not hate. His attitude was peace not pain. His attitude was life-even after death!

You see, Jesus, humbly--"served." This - out of all the miracles, great wonders, fantastic legends of grandeur and perseverance including resurrection, none compared to his choice to tap into his "human" side and perform yet another human supernatural power! The power to serve. Grace is the gift-Life is the promise. This is how you Draw Closer to each other and the Divine. Who knew? All this time, humans were created with supernatural powers? Pretty cool, eh? We have the power to love, the power to help each other overcome impossible odds by working together to achieve common goals. We have the power to believe, the power to commit and the power to change the world through our positive attitude. Use your powers wisely-after all, with great power comes great responsibility.

~DeMaster A. Thomas~


Sin Is Profit

Did you ever stop and think...what would a world without hate, destruction, greed, religion, famine, disease, pestilence and evil look like? Well, that would be the proverbial heaven. But even the biblical Heaven was not without a military force, guardianship and/or some form of protection. But if it's Paradise, what do you need protection from? Why are there warrior angels, soldier angels and guardians at arms in Heaven? Maybe because the Creator of All Things understood that for everything in creation, there is an equal and opposite entity or force. For every good, there is a bad, for every up, there is a down. That's just Creation 101-it's not intentional to make existence unbearable or difficult, it's just the way it is. So. Realistically, not even Heaven or Paradise is without an equal opposite.

And while we would like to believe that our existence today would be a better place without all the bad things, ask yourself...if there was no sin, how many jobs would just ...disappear? Here's a few to ponder, feel free to comment if you have more.

I think you get  the point. Frankly, everything from law enforcement to government would be gone! And there would be no need for churches, not in the religious since anyway. Oh and marriage! Gone! Court systems that punish crimes - gone...and the list goes on and on. LAWYERS! Gone...maybe. Some of these jobs may be spared because in a "perfect world" there is room for everyone to exercise their true gift or talent. But let's face it. SIN IS MONEY. Without it, lots of us would lose our jobs. So the question is, what do we do? I'm turning it over to you now Dream Weavers, what is a world without sin to you? Comment below or shoot me an email - let's talk about it!

- DeMaster A. Thomas


Wake Up. Exploring the Potential of Lucid Dreaming


Wake.Up.Exploring.the.Potential.of.Lucid.Dreaming.2009.avi | PutLocker

Wake Up Exploring the Potential of Lucid Dreaming: What if a place existed beyond the borders of waking and dreaming? Where you are awake and asleep at the same time? This place is not a fantasy. It is called lucid dreaming, the awareness of being in a dream. WAKE UP! Exploring the Potential of Lucid Dreaming features interviews with prominent dream researchers, as well as lucid dreaming experts who are consciously encountering the dreaming imagination, the source of countless scientific, artistic, psychological and spiritual breakthroughs throughout history. Share the journey of a handful of pioneers who are exploring the wonders and mysteries that dwell at the intersection of dreams and consciousness.

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...