Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ancient. Show all posts
Ancient Art: Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs?
Why Does Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs?
The history of our
planet is far more complex than most people would dare to imagine.
According to the commonly accepted version of history that is taught in
high schools and colleges all over the United States, ancient man was a
very simple creature with extremely limited knowledge. Unfortunately for
those that promote this flawed version of history, archaeologists keep
digging up stuff that directly contradicts it. The truth is that there
is a tremendous amount of evidence of great intellectual achievement in
the ancient world. For example,
just consider the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is a true technological
marvel. It is such a massive structure built with such extraordinary
precision that modern technology is only just now starting to catch up
with it. We think that we could possibly build a similar structure today
if we wanted to, but modern man has never actually constructed anything
like it. And as you will see below, the Great Pyramid of Giza is far
from the only example of advanced technology in the ancient world that
we find in Egypt.
Posted below is a photograph of a wall in an ancient Egyptian temple at Abydos. Look at the hieroglyphics very carefully.
Do you see anything strange?
Researcher Lyn Leahz wrote about these incredibly bizarre hieroglyphics the other day. The following is what she had to say about them…
Decorating an Egyptian temple wall at Abydos are strange hieroglyphics which depict what appears to be modern day aircraft. This finding has caused much controversy among Egyptologists and archaeologists who are not sure what to think. How could people 2-3,000 years ago possibly have known about modern-dayaircraft?When Dr. Ruth Hover and her husband took a trip to the pyramids and temples of Egypt, they were shocked when they discovered, in the temple at Abydos, hieroglyphics depicting modern-day aircraft. She photographed a wall panel in a section where an overlaying panel with Egyptian hieroglyphics crumbled and fell, revealing an older panel beneath it. This older panel, shown above, contains images of what appear to be modern-day technology—a helicopter, a submarine, a glider, and another unknown type of aircraft (some believe resemble the Hindenburg).
So how do those promoting the commonly accepted version of history explain this?
They can’t.
In the video shared below, Lyn Leahz shares even more about these hieroglyphics and discusses additional “out of place artifacts” around the globe…
Posted below is a photo of an ancient engraving on a Buddhist temple in Cambodia known as the Ta Prohm Stegosaurus. According to the commonly accepted version of history, such an engraving should be absolutelyimpossible because dinosaurs died out millions of years ago and modern scientists only started digging them up a couple hundred years ago. And yet this engraving is there…
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia are ornate temples and palaces from the Khmer civilization. One such temple, Ta Prohm, abounds with stone statues and reliefs. Almost every square inch of the gray sandstone is covered with ornate, detailed carvings. These depict familiar animals like monkeys, deer, water buffalo, parrots, and lizards. However, one column contains an intricate carving of a stegosaur-like creature. But how could artisansdecorating an 800 year old Buddhist temple know what a dinosaur looked like? Western science only began assembling dinosaurs skeletons in the past two centuries.
Very strange stuff.
Another unexpected
place where we find “ancient dinosaur art” is on the ancient Ica Stones
that were discovered down in Peru. These stones were originally found
by the Spanish in 1535, and Spanish explorers sent some of these stones back to Spain in 1562.
The art on many of
these stones is extremely beautiful, but what makes them extremely
controversial is the fact that many of them appear to contain clear
depictions of dinosaurs. Here is one example…
And here is another example. If you look closely at this one, you can see what very much looks like a Triceratops…
again, those promoting the commonly accepted version of history are at a
loss to explain this. Most commonly, they attempt to explain this
phenomenon away as a hoax because locals did start creating fake “Ica
stones” in recent years once they discovered that tourists wanted to buy
But the Ica stones
that are considered to be authentic contain some remarkable details. In
fact, much of the anatomical knowledge about dinosaurs depicted on these stones was only discovered by modern scientists just very recently…
Other items of anatomical accuracy that attest to the authenticity of these Ica Stone depictions include the positioning of the tail and legs. Early critics said the Ica Stones were fakes, in part because their tails were sticking out while walking. Paleontologists in the 1960s were confident that dinosaurs dragged their tails. The paleontologists were wrong and the Ica Stones were right. Scientists now believe dinosaurs held their massive tails off the ground while walking, because there are no drag marks on dinosaur trackways. The dinosaurs on the Ica Stones are depicted standing upright, rather than with legs splayed out in a lizard-like position. That, according to dinosaur experts, is “dead on” accurate.
course the Ica Stones are just one of the incredible examples of
ancient dinosaur art that have been discovered all over the world. For
many, many more examples of this phenomenon, just check out the article
that you can find right here.
Anyone that
attempts to convince you that humans that lived thousands of years ago
were bumbling dolts that were lucky to build mud huts and cover their
genitals with grass skirts is lying to you.
The truth is that
human history is incredibly complex. There are monolithic structures all
over the planet that are still standing after thousands of years that
remind all of us that great civilizations with amazing technologies once
And there is
actually evidence that modern humans are actually getting dumber. A
Stanford University biology professor recently published a work in which
he expressed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years.
Also, Dr. John
Sanford of Cornell University has conducted groundbreaking research that
demonstrates conclusively that the human genome is steadily degenerating and is eventually heading toward extinction.
So perhaps we
should not think of ourselves as so superior to ancient humanity. The
reality is that they may have been physically and mentally superior to
us in many ways.
What's the story on Lilith, Adam's "first wife"?
Dear Straight Dope:
What's this I hear every so often about Lillith, Adam's (as in adam and Eve) first wife?
— Jack-E in killeen
We dunno what you've heard. You could have heard Lilith is a model for
Oppressed Womanhood. You could have heard she's a succubus who gives
men wet dreams. You could have heard that she's a demoness who murders
babies. You could have heard that she's a goddess, the wife of Death.
On the one hand there are all these (and likely other) interpretations.
On the other hand there are the legends themselves, which are also
quite varied, from Jewish folklore. Let's start with a paraphrase of the
most familiar legend, which dates to medieval times, from the
controversial work known as the Alphabet of Ben Sirah, including a few of our own interjections:
Let's start with the Bible as primary source material. Genesis of
course mentions Adam and Eve, but -- please note -- doesn't mention
Lilith. The idea of Lilith as a "prior first woman" before Eve arises
much later. The only reference to Lilith in the Bible (Old or New
Testaments) is Isaiah 34:14, probably written around 540 BC; it's a
description of desolation, jackals and ravens among nettles and briers,
etc.: "Goat demons shall greet each other; there
too the lilith will repose." Most of the other creatures referenced in
this poetry cannot be positively identified. The KJV, following the
Vulgate, translates "the lilith" as "the night demon," confusing the
lili- with the Hebrew word for night. But presumably Isaiah meant some
sort of demon.
The notion of a lilith as a demon is probably Assyrian (say around 700
BC), incorporated into Isaiah by way of the ancient Israelite contacts
with the mythologies of Babylonia and Chaldea. The Assyrians had three
female demons, Lilit, Lilu,and Ardat Lilit. There's little doubt that
the Hebrew lilith-demon mentioned in Isaiah was a folkloric adaptation
of the Assyrian demons.
Several hundred years after Isaiah, we find Talmudic writings that
describe Lilith (now as a named demon, rather than a broad category) as
an irresistibly seductive she-demon with long hair (presumably worn
loose, a sure sign of wantonness) and wings. Terey wants us to be sure
to say that she's a succubus. She seduces unwary men, then savagely
kills the children she bears for them.
From this, she becomes the demon responsible for the death of babies.
In ancient times, one needed to protect against such demons; today, we
blame other factors for the death of infants. To guard against Lilith,
superstitious Jews would hang four amulets, one on the wall of each room
of a newborn babe, with the inscription "Lilith - abi!" ["Lilith -
begone!"] which some think is the origin, much later, of the English
word "lullaby." OK, that's legend one: a she-demon who kills babies.
So that's the legend(s) and their origin(s). A little confusing, but demonology is not an exact science.
Now, a brief footnote in Modern Times. You can imagine that modern
feminists would latch on to the rabbinic story of punishment for
resisting male domination, and use Lilith as a symbol. It's a two-edged
symbol, of course, since Lilith as a demon who destroys newborns
pre-dates the medieval explanation of Lilith as a rebellious wife.
However, the modern use of Lilith as a symbol of oppressed womanhood remains
quite strong and with every modern interpretation of ancient history, a new legend is born.
Asians are Aliens?
The buzz has been for quite some time that Asians are "not" natural humans. This is an easy conclusion due to the incredible innovation and inventive accomplishments in technology, science, engineering, mathematics and several other areas of human advancement. It is also a fair assumption that this would tie up a few other loose ends.
We already established that not all the peoples of the earth were destroyed in The Great Flood and that 2 super races survived: Mongoloids and Negroids. So if physically, the Negroids still possessed the genetic code of their ancestral Nephilim and the Mongoloids still possessed their enhanced brains, this racist myth could be bio-genetic fact.
-DeMaster Thomas
Miyuki Hatoyama, wife of Japan's Prime Minister-elect, Yukio Hatoyama, is a lifestyle guru, a macrobiotics enthusiast, an author of cookery books, a retired actress, a divorcee, and a fearless clothes horse for garments of her own creation, including a skirt made from Hawaiian coffee sacks. But there is more, much more. She has traveled to the planet Venus. And she was once abducted by aliens. "While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a triangular-shaped UFO and went to Venus," she explains in the tome she published last year. "It was a very beautiful place, and it was very green."
Based on this Topography of Venus, taken by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Mrs. Hatoyama would be telling the truth. (DeMaster Thomas)
Today, Venus is an oppressive and stormy place. With an ambient temperature hot enough to melt lead, surface pressure comparable to the depths of Earth's oceans, and an atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid, Venus is an inconceivably inhospitable place for life to thrive. However, this was not always the case. The Venus Express satellite has detected large amounts of hydrogen and oxygen escaping into space from the Venusian atmosphere; more specifically, two molecules of hydrogen for every one molecule of oxygen. Sound familiar? It should. Liquid water, or H2O, shares this exact ratio and evaporates into its constituent gases when struck by UV light from the sun. Current research implies that most of this water was probably atmospheric, but it does not rule out the possibility of ancient oceans on the Venus' surface. Water is thought to be a crucial ingredient for the evolution of carbon-based life forms, making the existence of standing water on Venus at some point in history appealing to astrobiologists studying the origin of life in the solar system.
This African mother claimed to have been abducted by "aliens" and then her baby comes out like this - and half black. These, and similar, cases are happening all over the world right now. (anonymous)
Offspring and descendants of Nephilim have been riddled with physical deformities, sicknesses, abnormal growths and unusual heights of 6 to 7 feet tall by their teens. This rare but incredibly strong mutation in human DNA continues to cause diseases to this day such as hydrocephalus, elephantitis and gigantismo.
On a more positive note, it has proven to be very beneficial in sports, construction, great productions of manual labor and several other areas of athletic accomplishments. Further study into the Giants of Earth in the beginning of humankind will be revisited later on the site. For now, it is inconclusive that indeed Asians, Africans and their worldwide descendants are direct products of extraterrestrial interference.
-DeMaster Thomas
Is Pope Benedict XVI the Antichrist? Joseph Ratzinger was the first German in many years to be elected as the Pope of Rome. Pope Benedict XVI was also involved with Adolph Hitler's "Hitler Youth" many years ago. Pope Benedict XVI, (Joseph Ratzinger), was also of Germanic European extraction, just like Hitler.
The Bible clearly says that the False Church of Rome will one day use its power to help support the rise of the Antichrist in a renewed Roman Empire. The Bible also says that the Antichrist will arise in the old Roman Empire, which is for the most part the area that we now call Europe. Pope Benedict XVI is indeed from Europe. Hitler also rose to power from Germany and then tried to become the Antichrist, but failed.
Could it be that Joseph Ratzinger will one day become the Antichrist? Look closely into his eyes in above photo. Can you really trust this man? Do his eyes remind you of Adolph Hitler's eyes? Do you think that he really could be the Antichrist? In order to help answer such questions, we must look at what the Bible says on such subjects, since the Bible gives us many prophesies concerning the Antichrist. We know that if this is indeed the "Last Time", then it should also mean that the Antichrist will soon be revealed to us: " is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come..." (I John 2:18)
When the Antichrist does come, there will be many, many people who will not be ready. The idea of people not being ready for The Rapture and for the Antichrist was one of the main themes of the "Left Behind" book and movie series. I therefore find it amazing that so many people could read these books or watch these movies, yet still remain quite unprepared for The Rapture and for the coming of the Antichrist.
Who exactly is this Antichrist? Is he Pope Benedict XVI? The identity of the Antichrist has always been a mystery. Nevertheless, many Baptists throughout history have been quite clear about the identity of this Antichrist, or at least about the identity of the "Great Whore" and/or the Second Beast, (the "False Prophet"), a man who will act as the Antichrist's "assistant" as the Antichrist murders all true Christians by beheading and other methods. Historical Baptists have always held that the Pope of Rome will be one of these evil men. (The Bible speaks of two different Beasts arising on the world scene at about the same time, one second beast helping the other, the first beast being the Antichrist and second beast his "False Prophet" assistant): "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast..." (Rev. 13:11-12) Why have so many Baptists been so sure that a future Pope would be either the Antichrist or else the other Beast who would help the Antichrist as he murders all Baptists and other Christians through beheading, much as the Muslims who believe the Koran now do. (Koran: "Strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them" - Sura 47:4) There are many reasons for this historical Baptist belief. Nevertheless, because of this belief, there are many Baptists who think that Pope Benedict XVI might actually one day become the Antichrist. The first reason for such a belief by Baptists is that the Bible clearly states that the "Great Whore" will be located in a city, and that this city will sit on "seven mountains" or hills. Rome has often been called "the city of seven hills". Therefore, anyone reading this prophesy when it was written should have understood that Rome was being mentioned, since Rome ruled the world at that time and the city of Rome sat on seven hills. Rome is also the location of both the Vatican and the Pope:
"...I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, ... and here is the mind which hath wisdom. ...The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth." (Revelation 17: 7, 9)
The next reason for this belief by Baptists, is that Popes often wear purple and red (scarlet) and gold and precious gems. In fact, most of the items associated with the "Great Whore" can be seen in the above photo of the Pope, who certainly appears to be decked with plenty of gold: "So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman ... and the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls." (Rev. 17:3, 4) The next reason for suspecting the Pope to be either the Antichrist or his assistant is the description given in Revelation Chapter 17 of a woman, a woman called the "Great Whore". One of the attributes of a whore is that she will do whatever you ask her to do, in exchange for money, without worrying about the morality of any resulting act of lewdness. The Roman Catholic Church has been selling ecclesiastical positions to people in exchange for money for many centuries. These are ecclesiastical Catholic Church leadership positions, not merely secular positions. Often people of the vilest moral character became Bishops or obtained other high positions of leadership within the Catholic Church simply by handing the Pope large sums of money. The Whore would sell herself for money. Popes throughout history have repeatedly shown this whorish, "anything-for-money" characteristic. Perhaps, therefore, a Pope may actually become this "Great Whore" after all, since so many Popes have "sold themselves" for the sake of "filthy lucre".
The Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17
That so many Popes have done just about anything for money can be seen by how the Protestant Reformation was started. The Pope wanted to gain yet more money. (The Vatican already had large sums of gold.) In his lust for yet more gold, the Pope had Tetzel offer forgiveness of sin to anyone who would pay for it by giving the Pope a certain amount of money. Tetzel's slogan, to help the Pope prostitute his ecclesiastical position, was, "As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from Purgatory springs". Martin Luther showed the people that this was a "whorish" act by the Pope, because the Pope was offering his spiritual services, (in fact the forgiveness of all sins), in exchange for the "filthy lucre" of money. Luther then started to call the Pope "Antichrist" because the Pope was clearly selling his "services" for money, without regard for what was morally right or wrong, (just like a whore would do). Another reason for thinking that the Pope might be the Antichrist has already been mentioned. This is the fact that Popes have already presided over the murder of millions of Baptists and other Christians during the past few centuries. This murder of true Christians is exactly what the Antichrist will one day do as well. Since such murders have already taken place countless times in the past under the authority of various Popes, it is no stretch of the imagination to think that yet one more Pope (perhaps Joseph Ratzinger?) will begin once more to commit the mass murder of millions of Baptists and other Christians. You might be able to put a dress on a wolf. If you did, it would still be a wolf. A wolf kills and devours its victims. You could array a "gutter whore" with gold, scarlet, purple, gems and pearls. Nevertheless, she would still be a whore. Another reason that Baptists and others have given for a Pope being the Antichrist, is that Popes have had a long history of anti-Semitism. The Spanish expelled and persecuted the Jews centuries ago under the open and approving eyes of the Pope. In fact, Hitler was a Roman Catholic as well. The Catholic Church never excommunicated Hitler, even though he had killed over 6,000,000 Jews, as well as perhaps 5,000,000 Christians and other "troublemakers" who dared to disagree with Hitler. (Those Jewish/Christian "troublemakers" had to go - they had to be destroyed.) The Roman Catholic Church, by the way, did not at the time openly and publicly oppose those murders of Jews and Christians. The fact is, Jews, like Christians, have suffered greatly at the hands of the Catholic Church over the centuries. (For example, part of the Catholic Crusades included the murder of large numbers of Jews.) The Antichrist will also one day slaughter Jews by the millions, much as Hitler did. Large numbers of Jews will then be exterminated by the Antichrist in a new Hitler-like holocaust. Because of the way that Popes have treated the Jews of the past, many Baptists and others believe that the Antichrist will be a Pope. The next reason for believing that a Pope will become the Antichrist is the Ecumenical Movement itself. The Great Whore will gather all of the world's religions together under one great religious umbrella. Doctrine will be de-emphasized. All that will matter is that you "send money". (Doesn't this sound to you a bit like Tetzel?) In fact, this prophesied occurrence has already started to happen. The Ecumenical Movement is now bringing Protestants and Baptists back to Rome, using Rick Warren-style Contemporary Christian Music ("CCM") as one effective means to help accomplish this end. Such seductive Satanic Rock Music is helping to draw a whole generation of "church kids" back to the Great Roman Catholic Whore, like a piece of flypaper drawing flies. (The new "Roman Road" of Neo-Evangelicalism is that old saying, "All roads lead to Rome.") The fact is, Satan and his demons are already using the Ecumenical Movement with great effectiveness. This Ecumenical Movement is "gathering together" the world to someday worship the Antichrist. This "gathering together" can be seen in what happened a quarter decade ago, (back in the beginning of 2004), when the movie, "The Passion of The Christ" debuted, (which was a clearly Roman Catholic movie produced by the anti-Semitic Mel Gibson). Many Fundamental and Independent Baptists were drawn to this movie. Some Baptists were even promoting this Great Whorish movie, with a few Baptist pastors even buying blocks of tickets for their entire congregations. Satan's flypaper was working again! Although there are other reasons, the last reason I will give for thinking that the Pope might be the Antichrist, is that the Antichrist will oppose Christ and His Gospel. The very name "Anti-Christ" should point to the fact that the Antichrist is against Christ. Christ died to pay for sinners. Jesus said that this was why He had come. The Catholic church teaches that the blood of Jesus shed on the cross was not enough to pay for all of your sins. This is why Popes have always said that you need to also pray the Rosary, do penance, go to confession, take Communion, etc. In other words, the Catholic Church rejects the Gospel of Christ, and replaces it with a "gospel" of "salvation by good works". Therefore, Popes work hard to help Satan send people to Hell, just like the Antichrist will one day do as well, apposing Jesus and the Bible. Some have said that the Antichrist's number of "666" might mean that his first, middle, and last names will each have 6 letters to them. I do not know if this is true. Nevertheless, if it is true, then the current Pope is not the Antichrist. Still, since this is just a theory about the Antichrist, then perhaps it is false and Pope Benedict XVI might still become the Antichrist after all. If you have not trusted Jesus Himself to pay for your sins, then you will one day go to Hell along with Hitler, the Popes, the Great Whore's supporters, and those who will one day support the Antichrist and take his "Mark" for their right hand or forehead. Satan, Hitler, and the Popes of the past will be there with you in Hell. Is this really what you want? Now is the time for you to trust Jesus, while you are still able. As those who take the "Mark of the Beast" will no longer be able to be saved once they have taken it, you will no longer be able to be saved from the penalty of your sins after you die. It will be eternally too late. Therefore, trust Jesus today! |
Lucifer: The Queen of England
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Lucifer: the queen of England |
William will seemingly overnight become a voice of peace which the earth certainly is to admire at a time the world needs it most, and yet his growing confidence in his Kingship will be further established thru means of a yet unseen guidence ... To further complete this idea, the Bible's reference to the Beast of Revelation having the attributes of a Lion, Bear, and a Leopard may also be CODE for the Beast's name...
William - The Conqueror (The King of England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader
Arthur - King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Summer Solstice
Philip - Alexander Philip the Great (Greece) = LEOPARD / Body / Conquering /Youth
Windsor-Wales - Aryan Keltoi (Cain) = RED DRAGON / Spirit / Anglo-Celtic Power
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.
1 John 2:18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
Alien Influence: A Reality
It works like this. The year is 2000 B.C.E. You show up in ancient Egypt in your modern car, modern clothes, and all your modern technology: cell phone, lap top, etc. How do you think the natives of that culture will see you?
You didn't just appear there from thin air either. You arrived in style. In an Airbus A-380 Jumbo Jet large enough to hold a Vegas casino in it.
You share your information with the King and his people and take them aboard your airship. After all, you come in peace to explore and learn of the ancient world. You mean no harm.
You gain the trust of the leader and the people and leave behind information they can use for their present world. In return, they are forever grateful and YOU BECOME A GOD.
Now you and everyone on board are considered to be 'not of this world.' You are seen as supernatural beings with the ability to 'speak in tongues.' Basically, you all speak English but also speak Hebrew, Greek, and a little Aramaic here and there. You, your staff and crew, are followed around the entire trip. And now the natives are sketching, carving, drawing, writing and talking about everything they have seen. But it is all from memory. Remember, you all are the only ones here with the digital cameras and audio equipment to film this little documentary. So after you all leave, since you take all the footage with you, all they have to go off of to share with others are those drawings and stories told by several different people with several different points of views.
The same thing that happens with your Discovery Channel moment is happening around the world to other cultures by people just like you. They may have different airplanes, clothes and toys, but they're shooting footage, collecting data, taking specimens, and fraternizing with the locals, just like your crew did. And then up and leave when the work is done.
So it ends up happening like this. Time eats away at knowledge like rust corrosion:
And now, 4000 years later, the true facts of your lovely visit in your fancy plane is nothing more than a crackpot conspiracy theory and fictitious rhetoric drummed up by sci-fi junkies and religious fanatics.
Meanwhile, you're sitting back in "Truthville", comfortably with the remote, watching time go by on your 30' flat screen thinking, they sure are fun to watch. They're the best station on cosmos TV. And while they may have advanced, so have you. And it is only a matter of time before you visit again.Your influence is their reality.
-DeMaster A. Thomas
You didn't just appear there from thin air either. You arrived in style. In an Airbus A-380 Jumbo Jet large enough to hold a Vegas casino in it.
You share your information with the King and his people and take them aboard your airship. After all, you come in peace to explore and learn of the ancient world. You mean no harm.
You gain the trust of the leader and the people and leave behind information they can use for their present world. In return, they are forever grateful and YOU BECOME A GOD.
Now you and everyone on board are considered to be 'not of this world.' You are seen as supernatural beings with the ability to 'speak in tongues.' Basically, you all speak English but also speak Hebrew, Greek, and a little Aramaic here and there. You, your staff and crew, are followed around the entire trip. And now the natives are sketching, carving, drawing, writing and talking about everything they have seen. But it is all from memory. Remember, you all are the only ones here with the digital cameras and audio equipment to film this little documentary. So after you all leave, since you take all the footage with you, all they have to go off of to share with others are those drawings and stories told by several different people with several different points of views.
The same thing that happens with your Discovery Channel moment is happening around the world to other cultures by people just like you. They may have different airplanes, clothes and toys, but they're shooting footage, collecting data, taking specimens, and fraternizing with the locals, just like your crew did. And then up and leave when the work is done.
So it ends up happening like this. Time eats away at knowledge like rust corrosion:
And now, 4000 years later, the true facts of your lovely visit in your fancy plane is nothing more than a crackpot conspiracy theory and fictitious rhetoric drummed up by sci-fi junkies and religious fanatics.
Meanwhile, you're sitting back in "Truthville", comfortably with the remote, watching time go by on your 30' flat screen thinking, they sure are fun to watch. They're the best station on cosmos TV. And while they may have advanced, so have you. And it is only a matter of time before you visit again.Your influence is their reality.
-DeMaster A. Thomas
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Y'all come back now-Ya Hear! |
And then there is Egypt. Home of some of the world's greatest historical monuments, ancient civilizations and most importantly, home of Moses, author of the Tanakh; "inspired" by a "source not of this world". - DeMaster Thomas
The first "civilization" of the Tigris-Euphrates. Inspired to build, create, and develop in writing, communications, politics, agriculture, and several other techniques of modern living. Influence on our kind brought forth a great and mighty people that would also influence others for centuries to come.
-DeMaster Thomas
-DeMaster Thomas
In the past 100 years, various reconstructions of Assyrian chronology have been used to undermine the accepted chronology of the period of the divided kingdom. Edwin Thiele’s work on Hebrew chronology–as reinterpreted in the light of Assyrian chronology–has become widely accepted by evangelicals and secular historians. However, Assyrian chronology is not as simple as Thiele would have us believe, and there is no reason to bend the Bible to fit the current reconstructions of Assyrian chronology.-Larry Pierce
Song of Natalei

The information collected in Australia confirmed the connection between indigenous cultures and extraterrestrial lifeforms. The Koori Shaman who lead the expedition and allowed entry to the tomb explained that they buried the tribal leader here about 300 years ago; cause of death; ingesting a scroll thought to be scribed by a foreign visitor. This was done to keep the people safe from night terrors, demons and bad spirits. Apparently, one late night after a "dream" dance, the Shaman was taken up out of his sleep by a beautiful, tall, glowing female figure, the moon in her hair and eyes like sapphire. Good and evil was with her. Voices cried out from the Shaman's chest like sirens. Hence the name, Song of Natalei. The song was so beautiful and illustrious that she was believed to be an angel singing the praises of the universe. But then the Shaman was said to have deteriorated very quickly in health and eventually sickness spread to other members of the tribe. So the Shaman ate the scroll written by the "angel of light" and blamed her for all the evil and sickness they suffered. It was here in this tomb; the Ring of the Covenant was found. The very ring Neftali spoke of in the scroll found in Mexico.
-DeMaster A. Thomas
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