While many nations, tribes, and spiritual leaders argue of who and what the source was or is, it is quite likely that when the truth is revealed in the end, all will find they are both right and wrong in their theories. The source of all that is and all that is not was created from and within itself. Its creations are tangible and intangible. Its knowledge of self is from itself. Contrary to all of humankind's belief, this source was of nothingness and everything and from this came a balance of twelve columns of existence, also known as the Elders. Each column possesses an intricate element for everything and nothing to exist or not exist in one way or another. One of the columns of the source is known as Time. Believe it or not, time was created before the God that is believed to have created the Universe. Again explaining why God cannot manipulate it or rewind it for personal gain or purpose. Time is an elemental column of pure existence and will not be diluted, changed or switched.
-DeMaster Thomas
There are no limits to the incomprehensible multi-verses as you have come to know them.
Truth: Time gave birth to a creator. Truth: Creator gave birth to a metaphysical being.
Truth: Metaphysical being gave birth to the homo sapien. Truth: Metaphysical being walks among the homo sapien and gives eternal life to its past, present and future. Truth: There is life after physical death. The purpose: So that you may know experientially only what you first knew conceptually.
The search for the source started in Africa, led to Mexico, and points to Alaska. The truth awaits. Sleep now.
-DeMaster Thomas