
E.M.D. - 1992

"Pay attention so you don't have to rewind me
You'd cry too, if you could only see what I see...
I'll flick a star through space just to watch time fly
I'll drop meteors, just to hear planets cry...
Through Masterology, you will gain philosophy
but with parapsychology, comes mysticology
you ask what is this force that created me
it's the realms of energy
the potion of humanity."

Everyone has their idea of a perfect world as close to Heaven as they can get it. Problem is, no human alive today has ever seen the One True Heaven and has never experienced life without the moral and intellectual fall of humankind, so it would be pretty hard to say it's "perfect." We can only say it is our idea of Paradise. In a "perfect world", the world would be one government, one form of economic exchange and life, liberty and individual contentment would be universal to all. This - is my utopia, as it stands today. Not to say my view will not change tomorrow, but as of today, this is where I would like to see our world progress to, at least with some degree of understanding that we cannot change the human nature of others, we can only change ourselves. This is just a snapshot of a few of the larger issues facing our world today. Of course to address every little detail would require a blog the size of the Internet itself. So let's just take a look a few of the basic necessities. 
-De'Master Thomas

HEALTH CARE - Universal is ideal, but only if the culture it serves is already healthy from eating healthy, getting proper exercise, maintaining a healthy nutritional intake and maintaining a positive mental attitude. Well, in the "perfect world", this is attainable for all. If there is a need for health care services, payment is pretty simple: no deductibles. $10 copay for medications, $20 for regular physician visits and $100 for hospital and operative visits. But what about the poor? You say, we will address that in the economic balance section. 

TAXES - This is no longer the worst word in the economic vocabulary in the "perfect world", because in the "perfect world", taxes are not seen as theft by the government, instead is it called, "Contributory Support." This is not a spin on words to make stealing people's money sound better. It is exactly what it says! All people contributing to a universal system of infrastructure, education, technology, security, military, global and interplanetary progression and development. No longer will there be a system of inflation and greed. It is an equal, 10% of one's earnings and a 10% maximum sales and interest assessment. No more, no less. For the whole world. Reminding you before you say, "this is stupid and wouldn't work!" Remember, this is global economics on a planet with one currency, no stock exchange, no bonds, security, etc. Only a well oiled, perfectly balanced budget that all the world puts into and all the world benefits from because there is no fraud, abuse, embezzlement, greed or theft.

INFRASTRUCTURE - In Paradise, all public access bridges, roads, highways and transportation services are provided at no additional excess cost to the responsible, contributing citizen. You already paid your Contributory Support Assessment, so why would there be a need to ask for more money if the money collected is managed to perfection! Imagine no tolls on expressways or bridges, no "pay-for-parking" in public access areas and no additional fees for anything related to public access transportation? It's possible and attainable today! We just have to want it bad enough to implement the well balanced local, county and state diets and then maintain and elevate the healthy bodies of government and services for all to enjoy for years to come.

 ALL BUSINESS IS BIG BUSINESS - Yes, the power of small business is back! In Paradise, every person who chooses to own a legitimate, regulated business, will not be required to pay any taxes on their business profits. They will be able to employ, buy, sell and trade on the open market with confidence and security without the threat of buyouts, financial ruin, and loss of income to excessive fees and penalties applied out of greed and theft. If you want to open a business, just file a $25 license with your local area obtain your health and practices certificate after passing the fair but necessary requirements and that's it! Open your doors, web site, gallery, store, shop, market, practice, studio, whatever it is, and enjoy sharing your talents and gifts with the world all while making a profit. All insurances are mandatory in order to operate anything, much like it is now, but remember, you will get your rate based on your risk and your risk alone! Not the risk of every person in your area. This means paying only for what you indemnify, if at the end of your policy period, you have not used any of the funds saved up for your loss risk, you get your money back! You use only what you put in. All forms of insurance will be for loss coverage only, there is no damages awarded above and beyond the cost of the loss. Thereby lowering the overall cost for everyone and remaining profitable. Welcome to Paradise! Where you literally, never have to worry about your butt being covered!

POLITICS - Who would have thought, politics actually can play an important role in a healthy, strong, prominent viable society! That's right. In the "perfect world," government does exactly that - GOVERN! That's it. No legislation is done from the bench because the judge follows the law, not their personal opinion about the situation or circumstance of the case. Government regulates, legislates, enforces and protects. Government protects all rights of all peoples and ensures that all operations, great and small, social or otherwise, are mandated and controlled and restrained. There is no fraud, crime or corruption. There is no deception, intimidation, backstabbing or degradation. Public service is exactly that - service to the public. Salaries are fair, honest and equal to private sector work and all the laws that apply to the average citizen applies to the public official - there is no one person of greater importance than another. All public servants strive to maintain and elevate the greater global good. There are small reflections I must highlight, in Paradise, every registered person can vote! Period. That's it. There can be no slander or slam ads against an opponent, every person appointed to a position of public service obtains the position on their own merit, not by smearing the other person. There are no borders in a Universal - One World Civilization. Therefore, no walls of separation of country, nation or continent. WE ARE ONE. No exceptions. There are no parties, only people.

ECONOMICS- Now we can get to the "root of all" evils - the world's God, the world's Savior, the world's Anti-Christ, the world's Living Satan - MONEY. This is simply not a true statement. No matter how many times you hear the phrase, the root of all evil is money, it will still be wrong, wrong, wrong!! The root of all evil is SIN! Money does not cause the sin, sin causes the abuse of money. In the "perfect world," economically sound, fiscally responsible and progressively efficient, money is a tool for the exchange of goods and services that are not bartered or traded. It is not the "end-all, be-all" to everything that this current world made it out be. It is, exactly as the other horrifically abused phrase states, just something that grows on trees. MONEY IS MADE FROM PAPER - PAPER IS MADE FROM TREES - ERGO - MONEY GROWS ON TREES!! Buying a home or automobile or any other once considered, large ticket item, would be the same as buying a shirt at the mall or a burger at a restaurant. The price on the sticker is the price you pay. Period. There are no additional fees or assessments of any kind. There are no property taxes - you already paid that in the Contributory Support Assessment. There are no fees - you already paid that in the price of the item. It is yours - enjoy. By incorporating a Universal Currency, eliminating stock exchanges and all forms of extraordinary banking systems designed for theft and greed, there is no longer a need to weigh one form of currency against another. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BROKE POCKETS OR EMPTY WALLETS - ONLY BROKEN MINDS AND EMPTY HEARTS.
Last but certainly not least, the benefit of a perfect harmony of social structure and humanitarianism. This is where YOU come in. No world is a perfect world without an individual who is willing to be the best person they can be - unlock their true potential and allow their talents and gifts to be shared and embraced with the world around them. Each one of us has to look inside ourselves and say that we are our neighbor's keeper, what I do has a direct reflection and reaction on myself, my family, friends, peers and colleagues. We must choose to be wise in our steps, intelligent in our accomplishments, compassionate in our care for ourselves and others and most importantly-lead our lives in love. Love first. And the rest will follow. In this perfect world, you are the light in the misty darkness. You are the cure for a world in need. If everyone on the planet decided to stop sinning and start loving all at the same time, this little post in the small blog would become the greatest cornerstone of peace on earth known to man right after the Second Coming of Christ. Universal peace, prosperity is only a choice away.

~De'Master A. Thomas


NASA: The world is not ending on Dec. 21


Posted on November 14, 2012 at 7:29 AM

Dec. 21, 2012, won't be the end of the world as we know, however, it will be another winter solstice.

Contrary to some of the common beliefs out there, the claims behind the end of the world quickly unravel when pinned down to the 2012 timeline.

Below, NASA Scientists answer several questions that are frequently asked regarding 2012.

Question (Q): Are there any threats to the Earth in 2012? Many Internet websites say the world will end in December 2012.

Answer (A):The world will not end in 2012. Our planet has been getting along just fine for more than 4 billion years, and credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012.

Q: What is the origin of the prediction that the world will end in 2012?

A: The story started with claims that Nibiru, a supposed planet discovered by the Sumerians, is headed toward Earth. This catastrophe was initially predicted for May 2003, but when nothing happened the doomsday date was moved forward to December 2012 and linked to the end of one of the cycles in the ancient Mayan calendar at the winter solstice in 2012 -- hence the predicted doomsday date of December 21, 2012.

Q: Does the Mayan calendar end in December 2012?

A: Just as the calendar you have on your kitchen wall does not cease to exist after December 31, the Mayan calendar does not cease to exist on December 21, 2012. This date is the end of the Mayan long-count period but then -- just as your calendar begins again on January 1 -- another long-count period begins for the Mayan calendar.

Q: Could planets align in a way that impacts Earth?

A: There are no planetary alignments in the next few decades and even if these alignments were to occur, their effects on the Earth would be negligible. One major alignment occurred in 1962, for example, and two others happened during 1982 and 2000. Each December the Earth and sun align with the approximate center of the Milky Way Galaxy but that is an annual event of no consequence.
Q: Is there a planet or brown dwarf called Nibiru or Planet X or Eris that is approaching the Earth and threatening our planet with widespread destruction?

A: Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims. If Nibiru or Planet X were real and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.

Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the Earth's crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours?

A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator hundreds of millions of years ago), but that is irrelevant to claims of reversal of the rotational poles. However, many of the disaster websites pull a bait-and-switch to fool people. They claim a relationship between the rotation and the magnetic polarity of Earth, which does change irregularly, with a magnetic reversal taking place every 400,000 years on average. As far as we know, such a magnetic reversal doesn’t cause any harm to life on Earth. Scientists believe a magnetic reversal is very unlikely to happen in the next few millennia.

Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in 2012?

A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the discoveries posted every day on the NASA Near-Earth Object Program Office website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted to hit in 2012.

Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of the world ending in 2012?

A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in 2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012.

Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted for 2012?

A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications, although engineers are learning how to build electronics that are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.


What's the story on Lilith, Adam's "first wife"?


Dear Straight Dope:
What's this I hear every so often about Lillith, Adam's (as in adam and Eve) first wife?

We dunno what you've heard. You could have heard Lilith is a model for Oppressed Womanhood. You could have heard she's a succubus who gives men wet dreams. You could have heard that she's a demoness who murders babies. You could have heard that she's a goddess, the wife of Death.
On the one hand there are all these (and likely other) interpretations. On the other hand there are the legends themselves, which are also quite varied, from Jewish folklore. Let's start with a paraphrase of the most familiar legend, which dates to medieval times, from the controversial work known as the Alphabet of Ben Sirah, including a few of our own interjections:

When God created Adam, he was lonely, so God created Lilith from the same dust from which Adam was molded. But they quarrelled; Adam [the proverbial domineering male] wished to rule over Lilith. But Lilith [a militant feminist] was also proud and willful, claiming equality with Adam because she was created from the same dust. She left Adam and fled the Garden. God sent three angels in pursuit of Lilith. They caught her and ordered her to return to Adam. She refused, and said that she would henceforth weaken and kill little children, infants and babes. The angels overpowered her, and she promised that if the mother hung an amulet over the baby bearing the names of the three angels, she would stay away from that home. So they let her go, and God created Eve to be Adam's mate [created from Adam's rib, so that she couldn't claim equality]. And ever since, Lilith flies around the world, howling her hatred of mankind through the night, and vowing vengeance because of the shabby treatment she had received from Adam. She is also called "The Howling One." You can see how this legend could lead to various interpretations, depending on whether you think she is noble (in rebelling against male domination) or evil (in vowing vengeance against innocent babies.)

But where does this legend come from? The author of Ben Sirah basically wove together three separate threads from centuries earlier works, because Lilith is a very ancient legend.
Let's start with the Bible as primary source material. Genesis of course mentions Adam and Eve, but -- please note -- doesn't mention Lilith. The idea of Lilith as a "prior first woman" before Eve arises much later. The only reference to Lilith in the Bible (Old or New Testaments) is Isaiah 34:14, probably written around 540 BC; it's a description of desolation, jackals and ravens among nettles and briers, etc.: "Goat demons shall greet each other; there too the lilith will repose." Most of the other creatures referenced in this poetry cannot be positively identified. The KJV, following the Vulgate, translates "the lilith" as "the night demon," confusing the lili- with the Hebrew word for night. But presumably Isaiah meant some sort of demon.
The notion of a lilith as a demon is probably Assyrian (say around 700 BC), incorporated into Isaiah by way of the ancient Israelite contacts with the mythologies of Babylonia and Chaldea. The Assyrians had three female demons, Lilit, Lilu,and Ardat Lilit. There's little doubt that the Hebrew lilith-demon mentioned in Isaiah was a folkloric adaptation of the Assyrian demons.
Several hundred years after Isaiah, we find Talmudic writings that describe Lilith (now as a named demon, rather than a broad category) as an irresistibly seductive she-demon with long hair (presumably worn loose, a sure sign of wantonness) and wings. Terey wants us to be sure to say that she's a succubus. She seduces unwary men, then savagely kills the children she bears for them.
From this, she becomes the demon responsible for the death of babies. In ancient times, one needed to protect against such demons; today, we blame other factors for the death of infants. To guard against Lilith, superstitious Jews would hang four amulets, one on the wall of each room of a newborn babe, with the inscription "Lilith - abi!" ["Lilith - begone!"] which some think is the origin, much later, of the English word "lullaby." OK, that's legend one: a she-demon who kills babies.

Legend two: early rabbinic writings about Adam and Eve. There are rabbinic midrashim, stories filling in the gaps in the text, that tell of Adam and Eve after they leave the garden. Adam is angry with Eve for causing so much trouble, so he leaves her, and is beset by demons (called "lilith"; the name is still a generic category of demon). A particular lilith called Penzai seduces Adam and becomes pregnant. Got it? So that legend associates a lilith with Adam. Legend three: an early midrash that puzzles about why Eve is created from a rib of Adam, why not created equally with him? The midrash suggests the creation of a prior "first woman" (unnamed) who doesn't work out as a fitting companion for Adam. OK, so around a thousand years later (give or take a few centuries), the Alphabet of Ben Sira creates the story we started with, tying together all three legends, merging (1) Lilith the child-slaying night-demon story with (2) Penzai the lilith who seduces Adam with (3) the "prior first woman" story. This mingling of legends provided a good Jewish context for the ancient custom of making the Lilith amulets (thus exonerating the custom from the taint of superstition or witchcraft.) That's why the legend of Lilith as Adam's first wife doesn't emerge until medieval times, although the strands of the story are much earlier. The Zohar, the great book of Jewish mysticism from the 12th Century, adds yet another dimension. The Zohar generally doesn't mention Lilith by name, but refers to her as the wife of Samael, the Angel of Death ... and sometimes as the wife of Satan. She sleeps with men, causing wet dreams, and she collects semen from the marriage bed. (Flowing semen is a symbol of life, the white fluid, contrasted with flowing blood as a symbol of death, the red fluid, so the demoness who kills children collecting semen is symbolically very neat.)
So that's the legend(s) and their origin(s). A little confusing, but demonology is not an exact science.
Now, a brief footnote in Modern Times. You can imagine that modern feminists would latch on to the rabbinic story of punishment for resisting male domination, and use Lilith as a symbol. It's a two-edged symbol, of course, since Lilith as a demon who destroys newborns pre-dates the medieval explanation of Lilith as a rebellious wife. However, the modern use of Lilith as a symbol of oppressed womanhood remains quite strong and with every modern interpretation of ancient history, a new legend is born.


And I saw the new heavens, set in a new space, the old heavens had passed...and i saw new "heavens", more than 10 billion years each in the making...ALL humans, past, present and future, live here in harmony with 488 eternal species, 140 celestial, 144 meta-physical, surrounded by 104 nearby multiple universes, 48 angelic hosts, 24 elders, 6 guardians, 2 nebulas, and 1 Central Triune. 

The illustration is scaled down massively to create a basic visual of what the new heavens would possibly look like from the outside. But to get an idea of just how massive in size this entire area is, look at this break down. The new heavens are made up of: 

*1   - Central Triune in the center

*12 - Earth like planets that are 2000 times the size of the original Earth we live on now!

*8   - Suns

Now judging from the size the 12 earths, you can do the math and estimate how ridiculously large everything else is. Just a few really interesting facts about these new heavens. Interesting enough, each planet has a name and inter-planetary travel is apparently common. The names were very similar to what we might see on a Sci-Fi TV show and the travel between planets is provided by space travel shuttles for commercial use or private use. So you can deduct that even in "Paradise", humans can't fly! Ugh. Kind of a jip, but at least we can get around. 

Also, since the Central Triune is the governing body and source for the all of the new heavens, no humans are in positions of power such as "president" or "king" or "dictator", etc. No humans are in roles of power because there are no politics. There is also no religion here. There is no death here so you can take that and run with it however you like.

Also, each planet is specially placed within its corresponding sun so that it is never night time! That's right, there is no darkness or full of night like now. It only gets dusk where it looks like the sun is setting and then in a few hours, hey! It's daytime again! Sounds ridiculous in our current human form, but you're going to love it in the future. It's our eternal life source so you actually don't want it to be dark because "technically" you could die, but since there's no death, that never happens! Cool, eh? 

Well I don't know about you, but if I'm a perfect human living in the source of perfection, might as well have a perfect world to live out eternity to go with it.

-DeMaster A Thomas- 

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...