


Posted on Friday, January 20th, 2012

20 Votes
NASA scientists reportedly have confirmed that the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth in July of 2012.
The Nibiru collision with Earth in 2012 had been predicted for a while, but astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers around the world have come to a consensus that Earth will collide with the planet, which lies just outside Pluto.
Nibiru, in Babylonian Astronomy translates to “Planet of Crossing” or “Point of Transition”, especially of rivers, i.e. river crossings or ferry-boats, a term of the highest point of the ecliptic, i.e. the point of summer solstice, and its associated constellation. The establishment of the Nibiru point is described in tablet 5 of the Enuma Elish. Its cuneiform sign was often a cross, or various winged disc. The Sumerian culture was located in the fertile lands between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers, at the southern part of today’s Iraq.
As the highest point in the paths of the planets, Nibiru was considered the seat of the summus deus who pastures the stars like sheep, in Babylon identified with Marduk. This interpretation of Marduk as the ruler of the cosmos was identified as an early monotheist tendency in Babylonian religion by Alfred Jeremias.
Natural disasters are accelerating exponentially and astronomers believe that they are being caused by Nibiru coming closer and closer to Earth.
Beings from Nibiru are considered closer to human beings than any other beings in our galaxy.   Many extraterrestrial experts believe that the gray beings from Nibiru have been on Earth many times before and have combined their DNA with humans to create a more evolved life form.
The original prediction that Nibiru would collide with earth came from an unlikely source.  A Wisconsin woman Nancy Lieder  said that as a young girl she was contacted by extraterrestrials called Zetas who had set up a communication device in her brain and sent out messages to her and they had told her about the Nibiru collision.
Though she had predicted the year of doom as 2003, however it has been linked with the year 2012 after the interpretations with Sumerian and Mayan calendars. According to the interpretation recorded by astronaut writer Zecharia Sitchin, it is said that a planet that crosses Earth once in 3600 years and is an opportunity for the Annunaki (the inhabitants of Nibiru) to interact with the humans.
NASA is publicly denying anything about collision (and even deny the existence of Nibiru), but privately several sources in NASA have confirmed the projected collision date of July 21, 2012.
The world has seen many such claims of doom come and go.  But many believe that with The Nibiru collision fits in well with the Mayan prophecy – the apocalypse in 2012.
We’ll see come July…


Strange Fruit

Is The White Man The Devil? pt.2

The Truth WILL Make You Mad!

 Satan Adores Donald Trump | IT

**Please read carefully before you judge this aritcle. The truth will make you mad.**


Why do Whites paint Jesus white? Because the white man is the devil and he deceives you.

(Hebrew 7:14) For it is evident that our lord sprang (came from, war born, derived) out of juda." What color are the real Jews (tribe of Judah)?

(Jeremiah 14:2) "Judah mourneth, and the gates (wise men) thereof languish: they are black (the real Jews are black) unto the ground (like the different colors of the ground): "What color is Jesus?

(Revelation 1:13-15) "And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man (Jesus Christ), clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool( texture of so-called Blacks hair white from stress), as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire( eyes red from anger); And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace( black feet so his body has to be black); and his voice as the sound of many waters." This is proof that Jesus is a so-called Black man an not white.

The white man painted Jesus and all the prophets white to indoctrinate white supremacy into the minds of Blacks and Hispanics and then hundreds of years later says, "Color does not matter." If color did not matter he would not have lied and painted them white. You cannot just tell your children now that Jesus is not white, you have to replace it with truth, the real Jesus, the Black Jesus. So you see the white man is not even a Jew. Read a book entitled "The 13th tribe by Arthur Koestler( a so-called Jew that researched the truth and found out that so -called whites are not Jews real Jews are black) also read "History of Edom and Khazaria the other Israel" by Melchizedek Y. Lewis. He has stolen our history and use his trick knowledge and tell you Black and Hispanic and Native American ( the real children of Israel) that you are African American, a colored boy, A West Indian, a Dominican, A Cuban, a Puerto Rican, divide you one against another when you are the real people of God. How can you prove this? Read Deuteronomy 28 Chapter and Leviticus 26 chapter those plagues and curse does not comply to whites it is what has occurred to us, the poor , the rejected the hated and the oppressed because we stopped keeping the laws statutes and commandments of the Heavenly Father.

Let us closely examine the word of God, and prove that the white man the Devil. The fist time a so-called white man's spirit is present in the Bible is in the Garden of Eden.

(Genesis 3:1) "Now the serpent( this is not referring to a snake but a devil in symbolic form as I will prove) was more subtil( deceitful, tricky) than any beast of the field…"

It is important to point out here that the serpent, the dragon, the devil and Satan is all one and the same. It is not the white man's color that make him a devil but the demonic spirit, which he possess. As you read on it says that the serpent( Satan) has a seed.

(Genesis 3:15 "And I(God) will put enmity between thee (the serpent, devil) and the woman( Eve) and between thy ( the devil's) seed and her( Eve) seed;" This seed of the devil is the so-called white race as their history proves it as we defined devil earlier. Lets prove that the serpent and the devil and the dragon is one and the same.

( Revelation 12:9) "and the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world:" The so-called white man has deceived the whole world lying about history, telling his story. Telling you Jesus is white and if you have seen the son you seen the father because the son look like the father therefore telling you God is white. Why has he been able to established this derange system? Because he is the wicked Devil that the Bible speaks of and the earth has been given to him to rule as a punishment to you so-called Blacks, Hispanic and Native Americans.

(Job 9:24) "The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: (so-called white man) he covereth the faces of the judges thereof( he Painted Jesus white, Mary white, the prophets white, angles white);" Why has he been able to do this?

(Deuteronomy 32:21) "They (the children of Israel you Black, Hispanics and Native American) have moved me to jealousy with that which is not God; (Idols) they have provoked me to anger with vanities: (things material things of this world, illicit sex) and I will move them to jealousy with those which are not a people ( because the so-called white man was consider nohting in the eyes of God) I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation (the Europeans)

The so-called white man despite what he may call himself now derive from the seed line of Esau(Edom) they are Edomites, in Greek Idumea. They are not white they are red a derivative of pink. Yet they call the Indian the red man to fool you. Look at how red they turn when the sun hits them. To get a clear over standing of this you must read

Genesis 25:20 -34. If you have problem email me and I will simplify it for you. Does God love the so-called white man? No! God created all but does not love all. Your thought are not God's thoughts.

(Romans 9:13) "As it is written, Jacob (So-called Blacks, Hispanics and Native American 12 tribes of Israel) have I( God) loved but Esau (the so-called white men, the red Devil) have I ( God) hated."

So God does hate. But can the so-called white man be forgiven for what he has done? No! you cannot change the nature in which God made him, he is the real Devil. He is only fulfilling his purpose in life to rape, rob murder, kill, and the real people of God.

(Hebrew 12:16- 17) "Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person and Esau (the so-called white man) who foe one morsel of meat sold his birth right. For ye know how that afterward when he would have inherited the blessing he was rejected: for he found no place of repentance, (God has no mercy in his heart for whites, they cannot repent) though he (the so-called white man) sought it carefully with tears (came to God crying). So don't tell me that God forgive them of what they have done and God loves everybody.

(Malachi 1:2-4) I have loved you, saith the Lord, yet ye( Israel) say wherein hast thou( God) loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? Saith the Lord: yet I loved Jacob, And hated Esau,…. The people against whom the Lord hath indignation (violent hate) forever."

To those of you that still foolishly think after all of this proof, that the white man is not the Devil and you are looking for some Devil under the ground, and to the so-called white that say they are not like their ancestor, I ask you Why is Malcolm dead? Because you are like your fathers; why is Farrakhan so hated for speaking the truth? Because you are like your fathers; why is it that each time a strong Black leader emerge from the masses he is killed, murder, lied on? Because you are like your fathers? Why are there drugs, gun and alchol flooding the black community (now it has come back to yours)? Because you are like your fathers. If the whites of today were different then their fathers and they know that what their fathers did was wrong why has reparation been paid to all except the so-called black man and woman? If you whites of today are so different why are Blacks still in the same conditions and you whites enjoy a standard of living so far above other human being at the expense of other human beings? Why do these other nations of the world call America the Great Satan? Is she or is she not? I have to conclude that despite where you are on earth you so-called white people oppressed, rob and murder the darker people.

Today the earth is a global village so you deal wisely with the people to trick them into thinking that you have changed but when one points out your history it is clear that you are against God and are the real Devil. God says homosexuality is wicked(Leviticus 20:13) The so-called white man says no, it's okay lets allow Gay marriages, God say not to swear,(Matthew 5:34-35) but as soon as you approach the stand in this wicked white court system that enslave Blacks and Hispanics he ask, "Do you swear to tell the truth." So we see that the so-called white man is the exact opposite of God, the Devil! The white man is the devil his history is painted in the blood of the darker people on the face of the earth especially Blacks.

In my conclusion I say to white America that have deceived my people and smile in my face yet plot on how to come up with a new form of genocide on Blacks and Hispanics ; I Know you, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He( the white man) was a murderer from the beginning; and abode not in the truth,( told the world lies, changed history and all) because there in no truth in him. When he( the white man ) speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; foe he is a liar, and the father of it." ( John 8:44) Yes, the white man is the Devil, yesterday, today and tomorrow until Christ returns to take him of the face of the earth according to the Bible.


Hosea 4:6 "My (God's) People are destroyed for a lack of knowledge:"

This is the conditon of the vast majority of so-called Black, Hispanics, and Native Americans.

"Study to shew thyself approved unto Yahawa, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth". 2 Timothy 2:15

STILL NOT CONVINCED? --> Click below to see their future plans for us.
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1921 Black Holocaust in America History: Bound To Repeat
Itself On The Willfully Blind

 One Year Bible Blog: January 24th One Year Bible Readings


As well as the scattered (DISPERSED) Israelites in all nations thoughout the FOUR CORNERS of the Earth.



Anunnaki - dont watch this film

Like always, use discernment

We all know, biblically, the watchers lied to fool the humans into accepting them. They were in pure direct defiance to YeHoWeH and were cursed to earth, punished to be separated for all of eternity and upon the return of Yeshua Messiah - they will be destroyed.

Warrant: The Rapture

This time of morning always brings me peace. It is calm. Quiet. And the break of the new day shows promise. I wonder if today will be the day that I actually find happiness. Oh wait. I am already dead. Damn. Well, no matter. I will sit by the willow tree until dusk and sing my lullaby to the heavens.
I know that out there some where, there is a listening ear. I will continue to sing aloud until the voice of reincarnation calls me home.

Warrant: The Rapture
DeMaster A. Thomas
I warrant the rapture, I call on her mystery.
I summon the rapture, I call on her love to come and take me home.

I call on your darkness, I call on your history.
You found out my secrets and you have discovered me.

I lost you, but you looked for me.
I couldn't breathe and I couldn't sleep.
You gave me a chance to be free.
I need you to come back and lead the way to fantasy.

I warrant your rapture, I call on your mystery.
I summon your power, I call on your love for me.

I walk on your darkness, your power is life to me.
You give me a reason to want to love: so come take me home.
Hold on. Come and take me home.

You took on my sins and washed away these lies of me.
You found out I'm senseless, but didn't find the shame in me.

You held on when no one else could hold.
You find life in the deepest cold.

You gave me a reason to be free you gave me a reason to love me
And now...

I warrant your rapture, I call on your mystery.
I summon your power, I call on your love for me.
I walk on your darkness, your power is life to me.
You give me a reason to want to love so come me home.
Hold on. Come and take me home.

The time has come. Your journey here is complete.
Wake up.
And so I did. I woke up. All my life, I lived in a dream: the dream of success, romance, material wealth, lust, power, wrath, change, passion, utopia...

This constant state of blissful euphoria fed my imagination until the heart grew cold like a distant fog of faint memories. All of the things I loved before, became nothing. And all of the love I thought I wanted, became lust. It was time for change. I woke up.

It did not matter anymore how vanity's amendment governed my senses. My eyes were open to the truth. The truth is, we are all beautiful because we are made in the image of our one true Creator. Vanity believes we must all fit one size, style, fashion, color and image. Love believes we are without physical sight and therefore, vanity has no place in its heart. I woke up.
It did not matter anymore; thirsts of the flesh as her powerful ambiance lured me into the deepest, warmest pleasures of her womb. Love said, "when two or more are gathered in My Name, I Am-there." This sensational union of mind, body and spirit-creates life. This is the greatest human power of all -- first, the ability to take life away. Indeed we are made in the image of our creator(s). We have the power to see, believe and achieve. We have the power to give life as well as take it away. I woke up.

It did not matter anymore, how many toys I had in my toy box. Gluttony, envy and jealousy were no longer my closest circle of friends. I spent many a night and weekend with them. Understanding, compassion and sensibility greeted me with open arms and warm invites to their cabin in the mountains in winter and their crisp, cool lake homes in the summer. There was never a want; let alone a need, that was not satisfied without asking. Every time I walked through the door of old familiar faces greeted by sincere smiles and open hearts, their eyes always said to me, welcome home. I woke up. 

For those who attempt to break the unbreakable, why not attempt to achieve the unthinkable. For those who attempt to destroy the everlasting, why not take time to absorb the simplicity of right now. Now is the time. 

I have journeyed the halls of dreams that live beyond a lifetime. I have seen the past, present and the future of mankind. It is finished. "We are all dead. And this-is hell." I now understand we must die in order to live. We must suffer in order to gain and we must realize our hate in order to fully embrace love. Now is the time.

What are your dreams telling you? Are you walking in darkness or are you open to the light? Are you carrying pain from the past? Are your present experiences making it hard to go on and possibly causing you to feel like there is no future? Then, now is the time. Wake up.

Do you blame others for the trouble in your life? Do you curse the heavens and earth for human suffering and natural disasters? Do you blame God for the way your life turned out? Then, now is the time. Wake up. 
Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Are you tired of fear, destruction, tears of war, famine, injustice, prejudice, segregation, secret society, dividing of peoples, raping of nations, corrupt governments, broken hearts, blistered fists, disintegrated spirits and dying powers of will? Then, now is the time. Wake up.

It does not over 18,000 different religions to change the world, it only takes one to start. How much more can we take? How much longer do we have before it is too late to make that universal change? Now is the time. Wake up.


Take a moment to look around you. Realize where you are; mentally, physically and emotionally and ask yourself: is this what I want for myself and those I love? If it is not, then-now is the time to change it.

We do not have to separate ourselves from each other based on creed, color or class. We can choose not to steal, kill and destroy each other. WE HAVE THE POWER TO CHANGE AS INDIVIDUALS which leads to change as a whole. 

The world was designed for the toughest race of all; the human race. There is no such thing as a superior nationality. This is an illusion. We have the ability to balance all differences: economics, healthcare, politics and religion. We must choose this change collectively and live one through the other without greed, lust, power, wrath, envy and hate. We must change at the very core of our being. We have the ability to let these detriments go-we have the power to choose. Stop. Think. Change. Now is the time.

What are your dreams telling you? What is your true reality? What is your core desire? Is it detriment or supplement? Do you want to change? Do you need to change? Find your place in the cycle of life and fulfill your purpose. You are here for a reason. Find The Source in you and listen to the message.

Nethaleo, the Dream Weaver

Suicide: Death In A Dream

"Oh look...ah, here we go. He left a note at least."
"Good grief, the body stinks!"
"Have the crew come up and clean this up, will ya?"

"You done here, Detective?"
"Yeah, for now. Let's see here...they say dead people don't talk. But this guy's got a lot to say..."

Date of death: March 6, 2004

There he was. He was in the doll's house. Dancing side to side, shuffling his feet and waving his arms and hands. Her hair was frizzy, dirty blonde, torn, and stringy. Her skin was a cold, broken plastic-stiff with age and bitter with despair. His clothes were worn and thin. Exposing the gritty aftertaste of his sorrows dried over crusted wounds. The eyes were stuck open with injurious stare-glazed by depression and dilated with lost passion. Nylon thread forced eyebrows into a shape of anger and surprise.

Without warning, I walked into the dollhouse to the second floor--center bedroom. The room was gray and cold with only the light from the broken ceiling fan above. It was a thick distance between us. My large nature against the small-framed doll gave me a sense of godliness and therefore, encouraged my control. He stopped dancing side to side in a panic and without shifting expression in his cutting eyes, opened his rotted mouth wide with a maniacal grin. Nothing could stop the radiating hate from shooting through me from her soul. I pushed with all I could muster in my sub-conscious state and forced movement of my body toward him. With ever-changing motion, fast to slow, I raised my
arms, torn and bleeding from blades of years repressed. He screamed and tried to fight me from taking hold of the stiff, plastic arms. The stream of his voice screamed over me as I continued to struggle for control. I managed to take hold of him and move him from the upstairs center room to the far right living room where the fireplace burned brightly.
We argued with our emotions and wrestled with our fears. Hate and tears kept score and refereed the fights. I managed to win him over but her taste, I could not swallow. The halls of self-love were cold and damp and the bell tower of human dignity was hollow. I forced him into a vicious shift in environment from nowhere to worse-a rusty, mustard-yellow, button padded room, no light, no windows, no doors. He struggled and fought to break free from my grasp and shouted obscenities of truth. Each word blocked a major artery to my heart and slowly choked me still. He begged and begged
and the louder he became, the softer his words fell into the air. I paused before fading into the darkness because out of the senseless shouting, I heard reason. I asked her, what do you want from me? She simply dropped her arms, lowered his head, closed her eyes, cried and said, "free me. Please. Set me free."

-DeMaster Thomas-


The Principles of Lust

Ah, Enigma. Play on, play on...such sweet melodies to take you away...
" it until you find: love..." There's a concept. Why does the flesh consume us so? What makes the physical appearance so irresistible? So many people get married for the wrong reasons. So many people get married based on looks alone, forgetting that one day, they won't look that good anymore. But we marry in the flesh and fornicate in the soul...what a delightful delicatessen of destruction that is.
Understand that it is only man's desires to please the flesh. It is my desire to please your soul. I have designed love making to be an art. Not a recreation. Please know that when you enter into a relationship with your husband or wife, that it will be for the purpose of fulfillment, not temporary enjoyment. Love making is just as much an emotional thing as it is a physical thing. It is simply a form of communicating what you feel, in order to be fruitful and multiply. So this is what you do.

Do not enter into a marriage with any doubts, ideas or expectations. These are all driven by the world of flesh and are not of the spirit. When you enter into love making, start out traditionally as it is intended. The other recreation will come later. The traditional art of lovemaking should be treated as if it were brand new to you and your body. It is the first time for you and your spouse. You are to enter into the art like that of a virgin. Forget what you know and forget what you have felt. This will be completely different from anything you know. This will be found as a rejuvenating profound experience in spiritual love, not physical lust. You will be pleased beyond measure. 

This is the way it is designed. Please judge not your actions, but your heart. Understand where you are in love and spirit. Not in flesh. And all will come to you in this art. - GOD
-DeMaster Thomas-


Rapture or Abduction

Rapture or Abduction
DeMaster Thomas
"Are you crying?" She said.
"Of course not, I just have something in my eye." He answered.
"Oh please you actually cried at a movie-I can't believe it!" She joked.
"I don't know what you"re talking about." He grunted.
"Oh just admit it, you liked the movie. My man has a soft spot after all." She smiled.
"It was okay." He paused, "oh well alright if you insist. I'll say it. Yes, I liked it." He smiled.
"I knew it!" She replied happily. And with a loud thud outside their bedroom window and a shattering crash causing the lights and television to blow out, they jumped into each others' arms and quickly held onto each other in excitement; wondering what was happening!

The room became cold and dark. The walls started to sweat and without warning,
a bright soft glow appeared and walked toward them. The glow spoke in a calm deep tone, "be not afraid. I am a blessing from the One of Superior Knowledge and I have come for you."
The man rushed quickly to the bed as the ghostly figure grazed his arm. They were so stricken with fear, neither could speak. They could only sit at the edge of the bed, frozen with glazed stares. Once they were still, the spirit continued to speak. "You will not be harmed while in spirit. You will be placed into a deep sleep and when you awaken, you will possess a mind of higher elevation, knowledge and understanding." 

The wife gulped and whispered in disgust, "are we being abducted?" 
The husband quickly snapped out of it and sharply replied, "that ain't no alien; that's a ghost!"
The spirit was not amused by their quirky utterances and continued to speak in the same tone.

"Sleep. Now."  And in the blink of an eye, the couple's bodies both fell back on the bed into a deep sleep. The room began to stretch and pulsate with each breath. "Now, allow the power of the Word to come alive in you at this very moment. When hear my voice say, Godspeed, you will instantly be projected into another dimension of consciousness. Your physical body will remain, but your soul will be guided by the Spirit."

Their bodies were both stripped naked and placed in separate tubes. All of a sudden, the room filled with an intense light. The bodies began to transform into pure energy. All the while, the eery figure continued to speak softly over them. "You are beautiful," it said to the woman. "You are victorious over all enemies," it whispered to the man. And then a deep voice chimed in. "Embrace the broken spirit of the Fallen before you. Heed my word. The sound of my voice is comfort to you. You are fulfilled. Sew. Reap. Serve. Plant. Seed. The voice of Knowledge will water you in love and healing. You will be ambassadors. You have been chosen."

After the transformation was complete, their bodies were joined together and made one. They became one root-one breath-one life.

"Elevate. Your soul will not be returned to this body. You are Spirit."
 The souls of the couple were quickly vacuumed into a much larger tube of clear glass, hovering above their house. As the visual expanded, you could see endless counts of similar glass cylinders with bright strings of fluorescent lights, being extracted from the land surface into the darkness of the midnight sky. It was a majestic sight. Above the dancing tubes of light and even higher above the great blanket of black sky, was another large floating object, square in shape, glowing like liquid gold.
 Another combination of male and female type voices chanted in unison: "You are being made new. You will be refreshed. Rejuvenated and made strong through your Christ's Love. Your Messiah has extended His Love to you. You are blessed. Be not afraid. You will feel no pain-only pure emotion."

The massive craft was 1500 miles high, 1500 miles wide and 1500 miles deep. Inside the great airship were many rooms. Each room had an inscription on the upper left crust of the viewing glass. There were no doors to the rooms. The inscriptions were symbols of some kind, not common words that one would easily recognize. There were no lights in the corridors, but the entire area was illuminated. In between each floor of the traveler, there were long halls with 360 degree monitors. The husband spirit projected a thought into the wife spirit and said, "these look like waiting rooms." The wife spirit replied with a warm loving tone and said, "Yes. The rapture has begun."

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...