
Dream Guide and Dictionary

Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning that any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about.
Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself.  
To guide you with your dreams interpretations, we have interpreted over 5200 keywords and symbols and over 20000 different meanings in our ever expanding dream dictionary. These meanings are in no way, the final say in what YOUR dream  means, but it will hopefully inspire you to explore and offer a suggestive starting point for understanding your own dreams. 
Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams. Each symbol represents a feeling, a mood, a memory or something from your unconscious. Look closely at the characters, animals, objects, places, emotions, and even color and numbers that are depicted in your dreams. Even the most trivial symbol can be significant. This dictionary, along with your own personal experiences, memories and circumstances, will serve to guide you through a meaningful and personalized interpretation. With practice, you can gain an understanding of the cryptic messages your dreams are trying to tell you. Click here to dive in. 
-DeMaster Thomas


Prophecy Fulfilled

The world has been riddled with wars and rumors of wars since the fall of humankind. Some were unexpected, others were predictable, none are forgettable. Theology, history, science and religion all agree there is a space and time for everything that happens. Then there is the mystical, the divine, the flip side of the coin the invites an ageless yet undeniable fact. The power of prophecy is real. But what good it is really? If you know the future, but do it anyway, did it really help that you were told what was going to happen? Does it really change anything if you are warned not to do something and do it anyway? The only true power in prophecy is to attempt to change the outcome. Now this ancient argument drums up debate favorites such as, fate vs. free will, coincidence vs. happenstance, and one of the really juicy ones, random evolution vs. controlled chaos. Either way you look at it, no matter what side you take or opinion you have, we as a being continue to repeat the same behavior over and over making us extremely predictable to the outside perspective.

These any many other points of view were taken into deep consideration by the historical prophets. But did not sway their drive to share their visions with anyone who would listen.

It was a sad and cold day in American history when yet another prophecy was fulfilled. The prophecy of Michel De Nostradame.

The Purple Cloak has fluttered in the wind creating a breeze of destruction o'er the nest of the Eagle. Thus the waking hour of the sleeping giant has come. This day of our Lord, the eleventh day of the month of September, in the year two-thousand and one, Anno Domini.

Now this is where it gets interesting. I had a prophecy of my own that came to pass. No, I'm no Nostradame, but I did have the opportunity to experience what it feels like to see deductive reasoning in the realm of absolute certainty. This was my prophecy revealed to me in a dream in early 2002.

Remember the words of the Prophet: 
 1. "the bear and the eagle will rise to defeat the purple cloak." 
(This is translated as "The United Kingdom will join military forces with the United States of America to defeat the Arab Nation.) 
 2. "The Purple Cloak has begun to wave terror on the Bear." 
(This speaks to the terrorist attacks in England.)

In the year 2006, the silence will fall upon the land and mass destruction will be the result of the rebirth of hate. How, my God, does man inhabit the earth for over 12,000 years and still knows not the evil that dwells within? What will it take to make us stop killing ourselves? Please God, have mercy: forgive us. Amen.

In March 2003 March, a coalition of countries led by the US and UK invaded Iraq to depose Saddam, controversially citing Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and terror links. Saddam's Baath party was disbanded and the nation transitioned to a democratic system. Captured on 13 December 2003, Saddam was brought to trial under the Iraqi interim government. On 5 November 2006, he was convicted of charges related to the 1982 killing of 148 Iraqi Shi'ites and was sentenced to death by hanging

Saddam was executed on 30 December 2006.


Can Angels Fall in Love?

Your questions answered by our angel expert

BY: William D. Webber

Aren’t angels and fairies the same thing? Don’t people in different places in the world just have different folk beliefs?

No, angels and fairies are not the same. Fairies are not real. The Wikipedia definition is “A fairy (also faery, faerie, fay, fae; euphemistically wee folk, good folk, people of peace, fair folk, etc.) is a type of mythological being or legendary creature, a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural or preternatural.” They exist only in folklore, usually portrayed as wee, tiny things, where some are helpful, some are playful, and some are mischievous. They are not portrayed even in folklore as having access to God or acting on his behalf. Fairies are never mentioned in the Bible.

In contrast angels are found over 200 times in the Bible, always portrayed as real beings created directly by God. The heavenly hosts are spirit beings who are assigned by God to use their mighty power as they lovingly serve God, some on earth and many more in heaven

I believe that God sent Jesus to die for my sins but I can't stop dwelling on certain questions. Why did God create everything, angels, man, etc. knowing that we would sin and also knowing the outcome? What is the point of life if the final result is already determined? God knew that Satan would be His enemy and that we would have a hard time believing. It just seems so unfair. I pray for faith and trust in God but these questions flood my mind. Can you give advice?

-Danielle Caldwell

Danielle, your question is one of the most profound in the world, and theologians and philosophers through the ages have written volumes about the problem of good and evil. This column is too brief to offer a serious answer to your great question, so let me direct you to the article I have found to be most helpful and understandable on the Problem of Evil by Peter Kreeft, who teaches at Boston College.

Here’s the good news: you don’t need to know and understand why God created everything the way he did for you to find happiness and fulfillment. Recognize that the broken record that is playing over and over in your head is like a two-year-old’s tantrum. If you try to reason with it, then you only increase the hysteria. When these negative “why?” questions come, replace them by thinking of God’s love and grace, and pray to God to show you his favor.

Since angels are neither male nor female and cannot reproduce does that mean they cannot fall in love?


Angels do love. They love God with a holy passion. Much of the love we see in this world has nothing to do with being able to reproduce; for example, the love of parents and children. Love does not end for married couples just because they have passed childbearing age. Angelic love, whether for fellow angels or for humans, is not romantic love but always a pure and holy love. This is the love we will experience in heaven. For more, see: “Would an angel human relationship ever work?"

I’m going to be 15. Will my guardian angel celebrate that we have been together for 15 years. Do angels celebrate their birthdays? Do they have birthday parties in heaven?


Happy 15th birthday! Your guardian angel will be unseen but will be rejoicing with you as you celebrate your birthday. Angels were created by God, all at the same time, so they do not have individual birthdays. In fact, it would be more accurate to refer to their creation day, since they were created directly by God, not born. The concept of time is completely different for an eternal God and the angels than it is for humans. In heaven a thousand years is like a day, so the idea of a once a year celebration is a human concept not observed by angels.

Read more:


The Heart is Three

A person can grow to be over a hundred years old, but their heart will always be that of an infant child. The heart only knows love, but is masked, tormented and abused by emotions of the mind such as hate, jealousy, anger, fear and rage. Yet and still the core of the heart only acknowledges pure love. This core is the seed of Unconditional Love. Unconditional love is possible if grown from the seed, deeply planted in the heart. To love unconditionally is to love yourself and others as God Loves You.
-DeMaster Thomas


Can the natural human eye "really" see ghosts?

Human Magneto-reception and Paranormal or Etheric Perception

There was a story about magneto-reception I found intriguing.  Magneto-reception is the ability to detect magnetic fields.  Many animals are believed to have this sense and use it for navigating the earth’s magnetic field.  For humanity, it seems like a lost ability.

A recent study in Nature Communications discussed a protein in the human eye that seemed to have magnetic sensing properties.  When this human protein was inserted into fruit flies, they became sensitive to magnetic fields and were able to detect them.

Here is the story:  Human eye protein senses Earth’s magnetism
I’ll offer some speculation.  Could human magneto-reception help explain paranormal perception?  There are countless stories of human beings seeing normally invisible spirits, ghosts, angels, and faeries.  Sometimes, rarely, someone will have a vision of something anomalous that appears very real. These visions have been regarded the result of an overactive imagination.

What would happen if, on occasion, our retina briefly perceived the electromagnetic world?  We might see a blurry image of light and try to make sense of it.  We might even call it a ghost.
A theory about ghosts and spirits suggest they interact with the physical world by manipulating electromagnetism.  It has been suggested much of paranormal activity could be explained by magnetic fields.  Cold spots in hauntings are said to be spirits drawing energy from the surroundings to manifest them.

Can we train to see invisible or magnetic fields?  There is an exercise anyone can use to develop etheric (electromagnetic?) sight.  In a darkened room, hold your fingertips as close together as possible without actually touching them.  Focus your body’s energy towards the tips of your fingers.  Then look at the fingertips indirectly, out of the corner of your eye using your peripheral vision. Slowly draw your fingers apart.

You might see a faint astral light, almost like smoke, streaming and swirling between the fingertips.  I have seen this myself.  Someone who suggested they had psychic abilities once demonstrated this to me. From the edge of my eye I saw something like a tiny, dimly lit vapor interacting between their fingertips. Was I experiencing magnetoreception?

Albertus Magnus-Egyptian Secrets

Since the beginning of the ages, we have always been fascinated with magic. From Wicca to common parlor card tricks, we seem to love being "fooled" by the slight of hand. What is more enticing is the power and ability to fool the mind. Ultimately, we have always wished for the one thing we can never have: power over the human psyche and the ability to control free will in another person. Albertus Magnus was not only a strong believer in the power of suggestion from magic, but became known to many in his time as an expert in the field. Collected here are just a few of his more popular and highly regarded spells that was believed to work on anyone, anywhere, anytime. Feel free to try them out for yourself. You may be amazed at what you find.
-DeMaster Thomas
A Secret and curious Piece of Marvel, to Discern in a mirror what an Enemy designs 
(proven to work at a distance of three (3) miles or more)
-Get a good plain mirror, as large as you please, have it framed on 3 sides only-leaving the left side open.
-Hold glass in the direction where the enemy dwells and you will be able to perceive or recognize all their markings, maneuverings, actions and workings.

Eye water which makes the sight clear so that no glasses or contacts are needed 

-Take 1 cup of good brandy, 1 whole leaf of common nettle. 
- Mix in 4 grams of the following: ginger, camphor, Anamirta Cocculus, Rorippa, and cloves.
-Add 20 grains of common toothwort and mix it all together well to make an eye balm that you can apply with your fingers.
-Mix everything in with the brandy. Distill it in the sun during the winter season for 24 days in a warm room.
-On the 25th day, you can dip your fingers in the balm, rub it on the eyelids once in the morning and once in the evening and your vision will be clear all day without the use of glasses or contacts.

For Bad Hearing
-Take some church bell oil and smear it behind the afflicted ears and relief will not fail to come at once.

How to Make Yourself Invisible
-Obtain the ear of a black cat, boil it in black cow's milk. Then make a thumb cover of it and wear it on the thumb, and no one will be able to see you. - OR - Pierce the right eye of a bat and carry it with you and you will be invisible.
How to See in the Dark
-Grease the eyes with the blood of a bat.

To See What Others Can Not See
-Take a cat's eye, lay it in salt water. Let it remain there for three days and then for six days into the rays of the sun, after this, have it set in silver and hang it around your neck. 
To Obtain Money
-Take the eggs of a swallow, boil them, return them to the nest and if the old swallow brings a root to the nest, take it and put it in your purse and carry it in your pocket and be happy.

How to make oneself Agreeable to All
-Carry the eye of a whooping crane on your person. If you carry in the front of your breast, all your enemies will become kind to you and if you carry it in your purse you will make a good bargain on all of what you sell.

How to Cause your Intended Wife to Love You
-Take feathers from a rooster's tail, press them three times into her hand. Probatum.
- OR - Take a turtle dove tongue into your mouth, talk to her agreeably, kiss her and she will love you so dearly that she cannot love another.

When you Wish that your Sweetheart shall Not Deny You
-Take the turtle dove tongue into your mouth again and kiss her and she will accept you again.
- OR - Take salt, cheese, and flour, mix it together, put it in her room and she will have no rest until she sees you again.

To Make a Mirror to See Virtually Everything
-Get a regular mirror, no borders or sides on it. Inscribe the characters: 
S. Solam S. Tattler S. Echogardener Gematar 
-Bury it on the crossing of two pathways, during an uneven hour.
-On the third day, hurry back to the place at the same hour and dig it up.
-You must not be the first person to look into the mirror. It is best to let a dog or cat take the first look.
How to Obtain Good Memory
-Take the gall bladder of a partridge and with it, grease the temples every month and your memory will be mnemonic.   
To Cause the Return of Stolen Goods
-Take two pieces of paper and write the following verbatim: Abraham bound it, Isaac redeemed and found it, Jacob carried it home; it is bound tightly as steel and iron, chains and fetters. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
-Now take one piece of paper and place it over your door and take the other paper and place it under the threshold. The thief will return in 3 days and bring back the stolen articles.

That No Person Shall Deny Anything to You
-Take a rooster, 3 years old, throw it into a new earthen pot and pierce it through.
-Then put it into an ant's hill and let it remain for nine days. 
-Then take it out and you will find a white stone inside the rooster's head. 
-Take it out and carry the stone on your person and then nobody will deny you anything.

To Make Hair Grow anywhere on your body
-Take dog's milk and paint the spot where you want the hair to grow and it will grow.

While this is only a few of many of Magnus' experimental formulas with natural earth elements, it was just enough to show just how quickly we can go from holistic remedies for common ailments to supernatural practices to control others for our own personal gain. It is plain to see that most of the more extravagant formulas are obviously out of reach for most of the modern world. However, there are several spells, charms, amulets, potions and chants, worldwide, still being created and practiced in various cultures today.

Without a doubt, the Internet and even your local library is chocked full of material on mystics, witchcraft, white and black magic. Many even believed that the greatest natural healer known to humankind, Jesus Christ, used a natural formula or two, similar to these here, to heal the sick, restore the blind and cure the deaf. 

History has also shown us that many great world leaders as far back as Ancient Egypt and Rome all the way up to modern Europe, England and North America, all practice or practiced some form of white or black magic for social-political, financial gain. In the end, it is all about Power. This is what they were after: then and now. Sadly, just like all great leaders and their kingdoms, history has also shown us that there is no way known to humankind how to obtain ultimate and absolute power and how to keep it. Sure there are plenty of rich people everywhere in the world, but are they wealthy? Is having it all "really" having "it all" decide.

Or worse-what if right at this very moment as you're reading this you realize a spell is being cast upon you? Too late. Turn around.


We're Still Here!


Did the rapture happen and nobody noticed?

Pastor and Christian broadcaster Harold Camping predicted the rapture would take place May 21, 2011, soon followed by the end of the world.  The rapture apparently did not happen as scheduled.  Or did it?  Could the rapture have occurred May 21 but nobody noticed?  Is the end near? Belief in the rapture is rooted in this verse from the Bible:  “The dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

It is believed that true Christians will be whisked away into heaven before a period of great suffering for humanity called the tribulation and the apocalypse.  Pastor Camping could have been correct in his dating of the rapture.  He merely overestimated the number of people who would be raptured (including him).

According to rapture theology, only true Christians will be raptured.  It is granted that anyone who belongs to any non-Christians faith (including Mormons and Catholics) will not be raptured.  True Christians are assumed to be born-again Christians who adhere to a conservative interpretation of scripture.  But does that alone define a true Christian?  Assuming anything is just that…an assumption.

Could it be that Christians who believe in the rapture will automatically be disqualified from the rapture?  Hoping for the rapture really is an almost selfish, anti-Christian attitude.  We’ll be in heaven while sinful human suffers the apocalypse.  Yippie for me, too bad for humanity!  A true Christian would prefer to remain behind with their unsaved family and friends.

If we narrow down what is defined as a true Christian, out of 2 billion Christians, how many are genuine, and the real deal?  It could be as little as a couple of dozen.  If a couple of dozen individuals were raptured on May 21 would the world notice?

If we want to know when the apocalypse will start, pay attention to any news stories about mysterious disappearances.  People disappear everyday and it is not news, so the chance of noticing the rapture is slim, but it is possible. What NOT to do is assume you will be raptured, and your presence on earth means the rapture has not happened yet.  What are the odds you are one of the few dozen genuine Christians out of the 2 billion mistaken Christians?

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...