
So, why dreams?

It is the greatest communicator known to human kind. History proves creation from a 3-part source made up of a mind, body and most importantly-a spirit, which is the "image" of an alien being of superior intelligence. Remember what I said before, that same creation that claims the credit for the design of the new human being was also a creation of that 3-part source. With that being said, it is clear that whatever the Source makes, the Others emulate. This gives both of them direct access to your mind whenever they choose. We search for knowledge and we hunt for the truth outside ourselves. When all the while, the answer is inside us. Lucid dreaming is power. It has the power to change us, which gives us the ability to change the world. Not everyone can remember their dreams. But for those who can, this is your golden ticket into paradise. From the moment the mind is molded in the womb, to the point of eventual death: we will dream. And that ability is the most powerful signal of contact between us and "them". Until the day we cease to exist in this fashion, we will be visited in our dreams on countless occasions throughout our lifetime. As for the knowledge and information we gain from them, it is up to us to do decide what to do with it.

The truth is evident that we are indeed made in "their" image and by definition we are the only earthbound beings in modern time that possess a soul. It is literally part of our DNA. Animals have the ability to dream. Animals are also very much in tune with the seen and unseen forces of nature. But contrary to popular belief they do not have souls. Every upright creature up to the point of modern man, shared likenesses and similarities, but none since the birth of this planet; had a soul. The soul is a result of genetic manipulation. The soul gives us dominion of this earth and separates our intellect from all other species. To see the soul in all its glory, open your third eye. The key to the soul is the Pineal Gland. Neanderthals did not have it; but you do--by purpose and design. 

It is here that all delight, inspiration, and enchantment is given life. For what it's worth, you are born into this world already knowing everything you need to know. It is mapped to your DNA at conception. So what's the catch? The catch is being able to know the difference between positive healthy influence and negative hurtful influence. This is the core of Free Will. You must learn to know the difference. And you must choose. 

-DeMaster Thomas


The Connection

The main connection between two entities is the mind. No matter what you call them or how you interpret them, dreams are gateways to the soul and we are all relatively vulnerable to internal and external influence on some level or another. It is only fitting that this is the best method of communication for a creation that does not have a physical, tangible body to move or speak with freely. Furthermore, intellect plays a large role here. To communicate, the speaker assumes the listener has the ability to decipher input with logic. In short, another form of being will not attempt to communicate with a human being unless it knows that it is able to get a response of some fashion; mental, physical, emotional or spiritual.

Contrary to modern belief, demons and aliens are NOT the same thing. A demon is shapeless, intangible, and is a being of pure energy. It does not have physical form. To argue that demons were not a creation of the same Creator that created humans is inane. All creatures born from another, made from the same Source, traced back to its origin, always leads to the same point of creation. Look at it this way. If you were born of your mother and father, your child born of you and your mate, their children born of them and their mate, for the offspring to claim your mother and father are not their great-great grandparents is both ridiculous and completely false. You are all family-you are all one in some way or another. Demons come from fallen Seraphs. Fallen Seraphs come from God.

An alien on the other hand, is literally by definition, a physical being that is not of this earth. You are an "earthling"- a tangible, physical being of this planet. The use of the word 'alien' is appropriate to describe another physical being that is a foreigner - an outsider - a visitor to your planet. Now as for the creation of their species, again you must follow the bloodline. One source of life for all things known and unknown. Countless number of galaxies that support life, spread so far apart from each other that one does not know or even realize the other exists. That same infinite being that created them, was created by the same God that created angels. So no matter how to slice it, all of you were originally created by the same Source.

-DeMaster Thomas



Alien Influence: A Reality

It works like this. The year is 2000 B.C.E. You show up in ancient Egypt in your modern car, modern clothes, and all your modern technology: cell phone, lap top, etc. How do you think the natives of that culture will see you?

You didn't just appear there from thin air either. You arrived in style. In an Airbus A-380 Jumbo Jet large enough to hold a Vegas casino in it.

You share your information with the King and his people and take them aboard your airship. After all, you come in peace to explore and learn of the ancient world. You mean no harm.

You gain the trust of the leader and the people and leave behind information they can use for their present world. In return, they are forever grateful and YOU BECOME A GOD.

Now you and everyone on board are considered to be 'not of this world.' You are seen as supernatural beings with the ability to 'speak in tongues.' Basically, you all speak English but also speak Hebrew, Greek, and a little Aramaic here and there. You, your staff and crew, are followed around the entire trip. And now the natives are sketching, carving, drawing, writing and talking about everything they have seen. But it is all from memory. Remember, you all are the only ones here with the digital cameras and audio equipment to film this little documentary. So after you all leave, since you take all the footage with you, all they have to go off of to share with others are those drawings and stories told by several different people with several different points of views.

The same thing that happens with your Discovery Channel moment is happening around the world to other cultures by people just like you. They may have different airplanes, clothes and toys, but they're shooting footage, collecting data, taking specimens, and fraternizing with the locals, just like your crew did. And then up and leave when the work is done.

So it ends up happening like this. Time eats away at knowledge like rust corrosion:


And now, 4000 years later, the true facts of your lovely visit in your fancy plane is nothing more than a crackpot conspiracy theory and fictitious rhetoric drummed up by sci-fi junkies and religious fanatics.

Meanwhile, you're sitting back in "Truthville", comfortably with the remote, watching time go by on your 30' flat screen thinking, they sure are fun to watch. They're the best station on cosmos TV. And while they may have advanced, so have you. And it is only a matter of time before you visit again.Your influence is their reality.

-DeMaster A. Thomas

Y'all come back now-Ya Hear!

The Future

The Present

The Past

The Truth About Demons

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...