
Rebuttal: Nibiru -- a Hoax?? Say it ain't so...

Nibiru is a Hoax

Recently, there have been a lot of false myths spread about a strange planet called Nibiru that comes through the solar system every 3600 years and causes major destruction, but these are just myths without any scientific evidence to back them up. Here are some of the false claims about Nibiru and explanations about why they're false:

  1. Nibiru is the size of Jupiter -- We have observed dwarf planets on the far edges of the solar system thousands of times smaller than Jupiter. If something as large as Jupiter was out there, it would be easily visible to amateur astronomers worldwide.
  2. Nibiru is bright like a second sun -- Do you see a second sun shining in the sky at night? No, neither do I.
  3. Nibiru will pass by us on December 21, 2012 -- In order for Nibiru to get to us in the next 4 years, it would have to be closer than the orbit of Saturn, making it easily visible in the sky.
  4. Nibiru can be seen at location 05:34:30,-02:10:13 in Microsoft's telescope program -- First take a look at Jupiter, that is the size and brightness of object you are looking for. Then go to those coordinates, and see what you think.
  5. The inhabitants of Nibiru are Gods that created humans on Earth
  6. Nibiru can't be seen right now because it's behind the Sun -- The Earth keeps moving around the Sun in our orbit. Anything that's behind the Sun now would be visible in a month. But the claims about Nibiru being hidden behind the Sun have continued for years. This also contradicts the coordinates given in item #4.
  7. You can only see Nibiru from certain places on Earth -- All objects in the southern sky are visible everywhere in the southern hemisphere of the Earth, and in part of the northern hemisphere as well. Similarly, all objects in the northern sky are visible everywhere in the northern hemisphere of the Earth, and in part of the southern hemisphere.
  8. NASA set up an observatory in Antarctica to track Nibiru -- Antarctica has the advantage of high altitude and dry air, but you can't see anything there that can't be seen in the rest of the southern hemisphere (see previous item) and Antarctica gets continuous sunlight from September through March, making an observatory completely unusable for half the year. Also, the coordinates given in item #4 are in the northern sky, not visible from Antarctica.

What is Nibiru really?

Nibiru is the ancient Akkadian name for the planet Jupiter.

2012: Is it "really" the end?

As we have said so many, many times before, 2012 is a cosmic calendar date of important earth changing events. However, it is so crucial that we stay focused on the real prize and not get sucked up in the hype that we're all going to die. I stress to you that you must NOT quit your jobs, schools, daily lifestyle or anything else for that matter. Just relax, watch and learn and experience one of the greatest natural phenomenon ever predicted by humankind. For more information, please check out this site and video at this link below and draw your own conclusion:

So what's really out there?

Our observable universe is not 30 to 38 billion light years in distance.
Dusty_Matter Posted: Fri, Jun 26 2009 10:17 PM Reply

While perusing the August 2009 issue of Astronomy magazine, I came across a one page article who’s topic was on the edges of our universe. In it, was the idea that the limit of our observable universe is roughly to about 38 billion light years in radius from us. This is wrong. In the article the author mentions a galaxy named A1689-zD1, who’s light took 13 billion years to reach us. In other words, we can glimpse a galaxy as it was 13 billion years ago. Now, 13 billion years ago A1689... was only 3.35 billion light years away from us, however because of the expansion of the universe it now lies about 30 billion light years away. This is true.

If it took 13 billion years for the light to now reach us, from a galaxy that was only 3.35 billion light years away from us in distance, that would mean that that light is extremely stretched. (red-shifted)
If the universe is 13.7 billion years old, and now A1689... Is 30 billion light years away from us, if we subtract 3.35 billion light years from that distance and average out that galaxies speed of recession from us, how fast is that galaxy’s average speed of recession from us? The answer is almost twice the speed of light. 30 - 3.35 = 26.65
26.65/13.7 = 1.945
How can we observe something that’s average speed is almost twice the speed of light? And as an object gets farther and farther away from us their speed of recession increases due to the expansion of the universe. In other words A1689... Is really traveling at more than twice the speed of light from us, now. How can they say then, that our observable universe is roughly 30 to 38 billion light years in distance? It’s not. Looking out in distance is also looking back in time, and we can only see so far back into time. About 13 billion years or so.
It’s like taking a photo of a bird in flight. And then six months from that time, you pull out the photo show it to a friend, and say. “That bird is now thousands of mile away, and so because of this photo, I can now see over a thousand miles in the direction that that bird flew in.” The Hubble Ultra Deep Field shows lots of little baby galaxies. These galaxies are now well over 20 billion light years away. Do you think they stayed little baby galaxies? They never merged, or collided, shrank in numbers, and grew in size? Is the photo of A1689... From 13 billion years ago still a current photo? Because that galaxy (which has certainly changed in over 13 billion years time) is now 30 billion light years away, is it justifiable to say that we can now observe things 30 billion light years away? Can we see objects that are receding from us at twice the speed of light or greater? The answer is no.

While distances can be confusing, we can only see as far back in time as about 13 billion years ago. That severely limits our observational horizons. We cannot see those ancient distant objects where they reside today, and their light will now never reach us. Our observable universe is limited by time, and speed of recession, and nothing is going to change that.
The author then said something about the “great attractor” being beyond our visible universe. He says “many astronomers think this…” As far as the “great attractor” is concerned, it is not located outside of our observable universe, especially if you are saying that the horizon to our observable universe is at least 30 billion light years away. In fact it lies much closer than even 13 billion light years away. It is thought to be in the region of the Shapely Supercluster. All less than even a billion light years away. I can’t help but wonder, just how “many astronomers” think it’s beyond our visible universe?
I am also beginning to wonder if the writer of these articles is really doing his own writing.
“You cannot choose what reality is. It is what it is” ---- Me.


WARNING: The Rapture is scheduled to begin: MAY 21, 2011

To all dream weavers, guardians, watchers, ambassadors, messengers, soul-jahs, servant-leaders, and to all others across the Earth. This is your friendly reminder from HIGH COMMAND. The Rapture is scheduled to begin May 21, 2011 as planned. This is not a prophecy. This is not a drill. Everything you have dreamt, imagined, speculated or believed was going to happen is about to happen. For those of you who are ready, thank you for being prepared. We will be in contact with you in the usual manner. Please stand by throughout the next six months for continued updates. For those of you who are not ready, please consult with a friend, family member, associate or stranger that is ready and they will give you instructions on how to proceed. Thank you for your attention. Shalom.

Here are some key notes you may have forgotten since your time here on earth in your human suit, trapped by the limits of their physical minds. I know that many have thought of you as strange, weird, different, sometimes, even called you crazy, insane, possessed or just down right stupid. But you know that TRUTH always wins in the end. Remember who you are and what you are here for. You are special. You are different. You are not like those around you. You have experienced life as the humans know it and you have walked among them as one of their own. For your devotion, ----is truly grateful and merit and reward awaits you as promised. Be not afraid. Everything you have dreamt, thought, aspired, imagined or considered about your role in THE RETURN is true. You have seen what is to become of this world as others before it. You know the face of Deception and stand firm in the TRUTH. Know that you will hear the sound of the HORN. Heed the siren, which is the calling of His Legion. Be not afraid. This is what you signed up for before you came to Earth and entered into this flesh. You are part of the 144,000 legions that will STAND and take flight in the preparation for THE RETURN. Remember that the past will go first into the future and then the present; in that order.

It is important that by the end of this month, April 2011, you get your house in order. Tend to your worldly affairs and then prepare as you know you should. For those of you who are called for greater responsibilities to come May 10, 2011, June 16, 2011, July 21, 2011 and August 10, 2011, you know who you are and you are to do exactly as TRINITY tells you to --- just as you have up to this point. 

It all comes down to this. I should not have to remind you that you volunteered for this before you were born. You may not remember choosing your location, your parents, and your mission, but you will soon be reminded. You may not remember that you were once a student of all knowledge bases, a master of few and a specialist in one. That one that you were gifted before entering Earth in your human form. I should not have to remind you of the vast majority of us that stayed behind to become pilots, engineers, communications specialists, medical specialists along with several thousand other positions needed to prepare for the humans arrival and settling. 

I should not have to remind you that you love, because you were loved first. You protect and serve, because you were protected and served first. You do not store up your treasures in this world fore they are less than 1/2 an ounce of your treasures back home.

Lastly, I should not have to remind you that you have never been alone. With each generation, a new batch of us enter as the last batch of us leave. We report back with our information, take some down time to enjoy bliss again and then get ready on the other side for what is to come. This has not changed since the beginning. We will proceed as planned.  You will proceed as planned. You will reveal to the humans your true selves when you are told, just as planned. Until then, continue to be a friend, family member, co-worker, pastor, health care provider, police officer, care giver, parent, homeless person or whatever your current role is among them. They will know what you are by the same powerful symbol as our Chief Commander; they will know you by your love. Carry on. And again: Shalom.
-DeMaster Thomas


What is Nibiru?


Picture by Andy Lloyd -

Nibiru is the 4th dimensional flagship of the Milky Way Galaxy’s Galactic Federation. Like Pelegai, many different civilizations have representatives that live aboard it. As well as being a Federation Flagship, Nibiru is also a planet and a battle star. Nibiru is a little over three times the size of earth.

Who lives on Nibiru?

There are many races and civilizations represented in the population aboard Nibiru. Some are more predominant than others. Some are hominoid, some reptilian, some insectillian, some android, etc. Some are even like hairy apes. There are literally hundreds of races and hybrid varieties represented in the population of Nibiru.

Where is Nibiru now and when will it return?

Nibiru is in our solar system and headed towards earth on its routine run through our galaxy. That is why we are feeling its effects. NASA and other governmental groups know this very well. Nibiru was first spotted by our scientists back in 1987. We have been feeling its effects since 1996. Nibiru is waiting on us to get our heads out of the sand, so to speak, and accept that we are not alone in the universe. When enough people have reached this level of understanding, Nibiru will uncloak and reveal itself. We hope at the very latest that it will be by 2012. And who knows, perhaps one day you will be on that ship en route to the next planet ready to ascend.


Okay. So the interpretation of "Dream Weaver: Night Dreams Part III-Journey 9" Lead me to this conclusion. Time is NOT something you "do", it is something "that is"! I know. Confusing, right. Not at all. Here is how "time" works. Time is-simply put-a measurement tool. It is utilized in several ways on a cosmic and earthly level. The greatest example of "time" as an actual "object" is travel. Literally, traveling to and from one place to another. In order to get from here to there you must travel. You will not get there without literally traveling THROUGH time. Case in point. A plane flies a distance of 2400 miles in 3 hours, which is 800 miles per hour. The origin was from the Pacific Standard Time Zone and the destination is in the Central Time Zone. Ergo, the difference in time is 2 hours. Going to the Central point in time, you lose 2 hours. Coming back to the Pacific point in time, you gain 2 hours. This is because time in-and-of itself is an actual physical object that you passed through in order to get from Point A to Point B. TIME NEVER MOVED. YOU DID. When you traveled from Los Angeles to Chicago, you went forward into the future-when you came back, you went 2 hours into the past. Things that have happened in Chicago have not happened in Los Angeles yet. This is not a concept-it is a daily reality. The time line itself never moves - you simply move up or down the time line that is already there. You can continue to do this all the way around the planet and outward from the planet.

Quantum theory and mechanics accept that "time" is constant, but refuse to accept that once in permanency-always in permanency. In other words, 12 inches will always equal a foot. Period. 1+1 will always equal 2. Forever. Not to break your quantum leaping hearts, but the element of time cannot cancel itself out. It is simple grade school math. 1+1=2-1=1; not ZERO. But that small irrefutable, but important factoid is only for my science geeks. Let's move on.

Time cannot undo itself or turn in on itself. Time can however, be overlapped with another time line. In other words, while this thing is happening one place at this moment in time, this other event is also taking place at the same time somewhere else. Time was the same; only the actions were different.

You see, all measurements of distance and relativity are essentially broken down to the power of "10" and "tenth" increments. The power of 10 times 10 times 10 and so on from the smallest known point of origin to the largest calculated point of destination. This is why we measure distance with time. We use it everyday when driving to work or taking a bus, train or airplane to another city. The same goes for traveling from this planet to distant point outside the universe. When using the element of time to get from our point A-Earth to the point B-Other Universe, we have taken "time" to get there. We speak time travel jargon everyday in our normal routines and don't even realize it. We say things like, In order to get something done, it's going to take "time". Whether a little or a lot, everything we "do" takes "time."

So you see, in our own little way, we are all time travelers. By being in existence, in action, constant motion, constant movement-or lack thereof, we are utilizing one of the most powerful tools we have. Time. Our daily vocabulary is riddled with it. "Take your time...time to go...what time will you be here...stop wasting time..." and the list goes on and on. Time is not a verb, it's a noun. Just remember, it is still the one of the many natural elements of existence that we cannot synthetically reproduce no matter how far we turn our clocks back so please  make the most of your "time" and utilize it wisely-because once it's gone-it's gone. 
-DeMaster Thomas



Wed Mar 30, 11:36 am ET

Could lead codices prove ‘the major discovery of 

Christian history’?

By Chris Lehmann

British archaeologists are seeking to authenticate what could be a landmark discovery in the documentation of early Christianity: a trove of 70 lead codices that appear to date from the 1st century CE, which may include key clues to the last days of Jesus' life. As UK Daily Mail reporter Fiona Macrae writes, some researchers are suggesting this could be the most significant find in Christian archeology since the Dead Sea scrolls in 1947.
The codices turned up five years ago in a remote cave in eastern Jordan—a region where early Christian believers may have fled after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. The codices are made up of wire-bound individual pages, each roughly the size of a credit card. They contain a number of images and textual allusions to the Messiah, as well as some possible references to the crucifixion and resurrection. Some of the codices were sealed, prompting yet more breathless speculation that they could include the sealed book, shown only to the Messiah, mentioned in the Book of Revelation. One of the few sentences translated thus far from the texts, according to the BBC, reads, "I shall walk uprightly"--a phrase that also appears in Revelation. "While it could be simply a sentiment common in Judaism," BBC writer Robert Pigott notes, "it could here be designed to refer to the resurrection."

But the field of biblical archaeology is also prey to plenty of hoaxes and enterprising fraudsters, so investigators are proceeding with due empirical caution. Initial metallurgical research indicates that the codices are about 2,000 years old--based on the manner of corrosion they have undergone, which, as Macrae writes, "experts believe would be impossible to achieve artificially."

Beyond the initial dating tests, however, little is confirmed about the codices or what they contain. And the saga of their discovery has already touched off a battle over ownership rights between Israel and Jordan. As the BBC's Pigott recounts, the cache surfaced when a Jordanian Bedouin saw a menorah—the Jewish religious candleabra—exposed in the wake of a flash flood. But the codices somehow passed into the ownership of an Israeli Bedouin named Hassam Saeda, who claims that they have been in his family's possession for the past 100 years. The Jordanian government has pledged to "exert all efforts at every level" to get the potentially priceless relics returned, Pigott reports.

Meanwhile, biblical scholars who have examined the codices point to significant textual evidence suggesting their early Christian origin. Philip Davies, emeritus professor of Old Testament Studies at Sheffield University, told Pigott he was "dumbstruck" at the sight of plates representing a picture map of ancient Jerusalem. "There is a cross in the foreground, and behind it is what has to be the tomb [of Jesus], a small building with an opening, and behind that the walls of the city," Davies explained. "There are walls depicted on other pages of these books, too, and they almost certainly refer to Jerusalem."

David Elkington, an ancient religion scholar who heads the British research team investigating the find, has likewise pronounced this nothing less than "the major discovery of Christian history." Elkington told the Daily Mail that "it is a breathtaking thought that we have held these objects that might have been held by the early saints of the Church."

Still, other students of early Christian history are urging caution, citing precedents such as the debunked discovery of an ossuary said to contain the bones of Jesus' brother James. New Testament scholar Larry Hurtado observes that since these codices are miniature, they were likely intended for private, rather than liturgical, use. This would likely place their date of origin closer to the 3rd century CE. But only further research and full translation of the codices can fully confirm the nature of the find. The larger lesson here is likely that of Ecclesiastes 3:1—be patient, since "to everything there is a season."

(David Elkington/Rex Features/Rex USA)

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...