Showing posts with label future. Show all posts
Showing posts with label future. Show all posts


The Clock that told the Future

You have to love a clock that doesn't bother counting insignificant minutes and seconds. Built in 1410, Prague's Astronomical Clock tells time on a much grander scale. On the outer rings, you can see the hours tick by on a 24-hour scheme, but also "Bohemian Time"—a system that counted the hours since sunset. The inner mechanical components colorfully mark the sunrise, sunset, phases of the moon, position of the sun, and the zodiac, essentially painting a picture of the position of the earth within the universe as it was understood in medieval times. On the hour, the four animated figures around the dial—later additions—come to life: Death with his hourglass and bell, Vanity with his mirror, Greed waving a bag of gold, and a Turk. The last two (inadvertently) depict the 17th-century ethnic stereotypes and tensions that would haunt Central Europe in the future.

Writer: Megan Cytron Photo: Frank Yang


The Prague Orloj

This is a draft chapter, copyright I. Kalmar 2008. Do not quote in print or on the internet without the author’s permission. Asterisks (*) indicate places to be filled in or revised.
One of the major tourist attractions of Prague is the famous Orloj, a large astronomical clock whose origins are shrouded in mystery. The Orloj takes up two or three stories on the outside wall of the city’s old city hall. It has two clock faces, the one on top showing time (as well as astronomical models of the universe) and the one at the bottom the calendar. The upper clock face includes the figures of Vanity holding a mirror and of *, both of which wear a hat that has some elements recalling an Ottoman turban. There is also Avarice, represented before the post-World-War II renovation by the hooked-nosed figure of a Jew. Finally, there is a skeleton representing Death. Since an ingenious nineteenth century remodeling, every hour on the hour when the clock tolls, Death pulls on a string setting in motion a procession of Jesus’ disciples. He also makes Vanity, Avarice, and * shake their heads, deliberately rejecting the message about the limits of Time.

Clocks were a common “vanitas device.” Ordinary upright clocks used in private homes often featured a skull and the inscription, tempus fugit or “time is running (out).” The message was to oppose the eternity of Heaven to the fleeting character of earthly existence. The theme became extremely popular in the Renaissance. In the famous Ambassadors of Hans Holbein the Younger (1533, fig. *),1 the two men’s wealth may be considered an allegory of Avarice, the mirror of Vanity,* and the considerable girth of the men perhaps as Gluttony. But the focus here is not on these medieval categories of sin as much as on worldly pleasures and knowledge do not represent sin as much as the folly of relying on this world rather than the divine sphere beyond. Worldly pleasure is symbolized, as it would be frequently also in the next century, by music: here, a lute and pipes. Music, apart from being widely considered a particularly fleeting pleasure, helped to represent sensuality by invoking the sense of hearing. The carpets, like the rich garments, of the men stand for wealth and prestige, and they also bring in the sense of touch. The most important signs of worldliness, however, are those of scientific knowledge. One of the men holds a telescope; there are globes, scientific instruments and an open book. But although the two men are obviously competent in science, they are completely unaware of the foreshortened skull that flies by, as if in a different dimension, at the bottom of the scene. It reminds us but not them that neither worldly knowledge nor pleasure will save us at the Day of Judgment approaches, and are not worth much compared to Faith. That was and remains the standard interpretation of the opening verse of the biblical book of Ecclesiastes, which warns about all human endeavor being in vain: “Vanity of vanities, all is vanity,” vanitas vanitorum omnia vanita,2- hence “vanity painting,” “vanity device,” the name given to works with this message, including Prague’s astronomical clock.

Although the hourly parade of the figures on the Orloj’s upper clock face dates in its present form only to a nineteenth century renovation, it captures this spirit of stressing the limits of the world, which the much older clock has no doubt long represented. Clocks themselves were a worldly achievement of what we now call technology and science, and one of the greatest inventions of the secular scientific spirit. Here a magnificent clock is forced here to pay obeisance to religion and so proclaims its own limitations.

What concerns us here is not so much the more spectacular upper clock face, but the more modestly decorated bottom of the Orloj composition. Under the calendar face there are two statues of “Turks,” part of a set of figurines that was placed on it in the seventeenth century, most likely in 1659.3 Like one of Holbein’s Ambassadors, one of the Turks holds a telescope and is popularly known as The Astronomer. The other Turkholding a book, an item also found in the Holbein picture, and is popularly known as The Philosopher (fig. *).

4 Next to the Philosopher stands the imposing, over sized figure of an angel. The angel holds a drawn sword in one hand and in the other (hidden behind a shield decorated with a cross) a pointer aimed at the calendar. No doubt it is the Archangel Michael, the heavenly warrior whom Christian tradition expects to appear on Judgment Day to lead our souls to judgment. He points to the calendar to remind us that tempus fugit

Wisely, the nineteenth century designers of the upper face’s mechanical show did not make the Turks’ heads shake in denial along with those of Avarice, Vanity, and *. For the Turks’ failing is not that they willingly contradict the supremacy of God over human science and pleasure, but that they are ignorant of it. What the Orloj is saying to us is that worldly knowledge is really disguised ignorance if it is not coupled with religion. If you have worldly wisdom but not the Holy Faith then you might as well be a Turk.

A Turk? Classic Church doctrine has it that the gates of heaven remain closed to those who have not been baptized. Those who died before Christ cannot get in; even Abraham and Plato must languish in Purgatory. Muslim philosophers (philosophy then included science and medicine, as well as alchemy and astrology) were often classed with these righteous non-Christians, especially the Greeks whose knowledge they inherited and transmitted to the Christian world. In Rafael’s School of Athens the Arab savant Avicenna (****-****) is anachronously included with Plato and the rest; in Dante’s Purgatory, too, he lingers with Hebrews and Greeks. The Muslim scholars’ wisdom like the Greeks’ was pre-Christian, not in chronological terms but in terms of the logic of Christianity: it figured at the limits of worldly knowledge where Christians could enter with a higher Truth.


The Nostradamus Asia Earthquake Prophecy. Was it Japan?

Japan suffered historic, catastrophic disasters: a 9 magnitude earthquake, a horrific tsunami and then a nuclear crisis. Did Nostradamus have any quatrains that specifically referred to an Asian earthquake?  There is such a line.  Did it refer to Japan?  You decide.
-DeMaster Thomas

Century: 3  Quatrain: 3
Mars and Mercury, and the silver joined together,
Towards the south extreme drought:
In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles,
Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity.

Mercury and Mars were in conjunction on February 20, 2011. However, this conjunction occurs nearly every year, so it is not very helpful.

“Towards the south extreme drought”
This may mean the deprivation the people of Japan suffered as their nation tried to regain its footing. In the news: “Millions of people faced a fourth night without water, food or heating in near-freezing temperatures along the northeast coast devastated by Friday’s disasters.”
This line may also refer to the nuclear crisis. The nuclear reactors in crisis were just south of the earthquake’s epicenter.  Water was desperately used in an attempt to cool the nuclear reactors.  Even helicopters were spraying water in an attempt to dowse the reactors.  There was not enough water to do the job.

“Extreme drought” could also refer to the effects of radiation poisoning south of the nuclear reactors. If farmland were contaminated by radioactivity, it would be unusable, as if in a drought.

 Japan radioactivity could enter food chain
Epicenter and aftershocks

Epicenter and aftershocks
In the depths of Asia one will say the earth trembles.
This is the line that made me consider this quatrain referred to Japan.  The “depths of Asia” suggests a place deep inside Asia, far away from Nostradamus’ homeland of France.  The “depths of Asia” may also refer to the location of the epicenter of the earthquake, which was in the ocean off the coast of Japan. “Depths of Asia” even hints at a tsunami.

Corinth, Ephesus then in perplexity.
This line is perplexing. I’m not certain what it means. Corinth was an ancient city in Greece, which shared a certain fate with Japan. Through history ancient Corinth was destroyed numerous times by earthquakes, in the years 375, 551, and 856. In 1858 the town built on ancient Corinth was totally destroyed by an earthquake. Yet, it has always been rebuilt. Perhaps the city is a metaphor for the future or Japan?  That is a hopeful sign.
Occult View-2011

A little Touched? The Obama Prophecy

As the Researcher, of course I find the information gathered for this site both horribly disturbing and yet quite fascinating. There is no reason, I tell myself, to be afraid. This is simply data. None of this could possibly be real. Dream weaving cannot possibly be an actual true experience. Until it happened to me. Or should I say, until I made it happen. Over the course of the past fifteen years, writing, studying, and searching for the source, I did not take it for granted, but at the same time I did not take it too seriously either. I know, I know. But look at all the data that has been presented here on just my site alone? Not to mention the countless hits on the Internet, the endless material available at the library. If that many people say this is real, it must be real. Have I simply convinced myself to believe or am I now a little touched? For the sake of authenticity, I have decided to include my own dream weaving experience in this material. Quite a bit of it will be shared in Night Dreams/Day Dreams, but this one I had to isolate because of its political importance.

This is one of my dreams. It was the night after the world's first African-American president of the United States was chosen. So many people around the country and possibly around the world, share this vision and I have said this for so long now in all my wisdom, this day and age we live in since the early 1800's, is the core of a spiritual war. What you see happening around you each day in your government, local and abroad, are the pages of a script, written in the scroll of time, unveiling as planned right on schedule. Remember that with all things known and unknown, seen and unseen, they have already happened. You technically live in the past. Everything that is about to happen has essentially already happened. And this is how we know, collectively, as a being, as a creation, that the ''end of days'' are among us. In the great words of the famous film, "you best start believin' in ghost're in one." Please heed.

The Obama Prophecy
recorded: November 5, 2008

It is the last year of Barack's term and there is great war on the surface of the earth. All countries have turned on each other and folded, just as the Illuminati planned. The Illuminati was created by, and is controlled by the Fallen Ones, since the beginning. Wars have been waged on the world. I first hear the radio newscast of Obama's speech going out loud and clear as I "fly" (in spirit form) over the landscapes of rubbish and broken lands. Blown up buildings and thousands of deaths of innocent American civilians. I say to myself, 'if this was not caused by the wars of man, it was surely caused by the cosmic forces as we collide with Nibiru or some other act of nature and space.' 

In the next instant, I find myself in a deep, underground bunker. There are several of these man-made bunkers across the U.S. from Colorado to D.C. It was not clear which one I am in. The bunker is a large long cement cylinder, much like an over-sized water drainage. Several thousand people appear. They are dirty and injured. Their clothes are tattered and torn. Their hair and skin is covered in ash and soot. Down toward the end of the tunnel, there is another radio broadcast being played. It grows louder and louder as I am drawn down the pathway toward it. And there he was. President Barack Obama, talking on a satellite communicator and reading his speech from some crumbled notes on 8.5 x 11 sheets of paper.   

He is smiling through the char and smoke stains all over his face and clothes; white shirt, black slacks. No tie. His sleeves are rolled up and the buttons are open slightly from the top to reveal a torn tank top underneath. Even with all that is going on, he is still trying to keep everyone calm and assure them they will be okay. 

"We are strong. We are Americans. And we will stand together through this and every endeavor. We will survive. We will. Move on." - Barack Obama, December - 2012.

He is doing the best he thinks he can to convince the people that things are going to get better. I think to myself, 'It is certainly living proof and evidence that one of the Seals of the Covenant spoken of by John in his book of Revelation, has been broken. The time of Yeshua the Christ (Jesus) is among us. Christ is here on our plane. Obama knows it. Obama knows this because he has been visited in his dreams several times throughout that past six years. Yes even two years before his term in office as President, he had a vision. 

He had dreams of his running and winning the Presidency and even more visions of the events to come during his term. He knew what was going to happen, but was not clear on how they would turn out. He knew. Obama knew all along. He knew the entire time that all that was wrong in the world was biblical and prophetic and that he was a major, major part of it all.  And even with all that has been revealed to him in his dreams and even after all the major historical events that had unfolded since 2009 until now, Obama still did not catch on to how and where he was placed in all of this.

Barack Obama was visited in his dreams by Mohammad and Jesus Christ. He was also visited by others that were not revealed to me. I could see their bodies, but not their faces.

(At this point in the dream, it becomes vividly clear to me that I am dream weaving. I am having a dream about being inside the mind of a person in my dream and of all people-it's the new leader of the free world. Nice.)

I continue to look upon him from a distance, still in spirit form. I am blind to the naked eye. He cannot see me, but feels my presence near. Obama starts to walk toward me and the smile starts to slide from his face. He continues to talk on the phone and shake hands with the people standing along the walls. There is bright light coming in from behind him from the outside. It appears to be a large city, but it is not clear where. There are no landmarks. Just military helicopters, destroyed buildings, and a bombed out bridge to the right. Suddenly I start to feel a cold, soft, vibrating chill around me and the noise of the crowd grows louder. Obama starts to approach me. His left hand is holding a phone to his ear, so he reaches up with his right hand and without a blink in his eyes, he positions and swings back and quickly waves his hand in a whacking motion, right through me. Immediately his face turns cold and evil and there is an instant snarl. With his eyes cross, eyebrows curled with anger and his lips frowned, he makes direct eye contact with me and wipes me away with the strong brush of his hand.

It happens in an instant. He sees me. I see him. I feel this walk inside my mind - wait - his mind, coming to an abrupt close. He knows the message and refuses to break down and acknowledge the truth.

And then I woke up. It was clear to me after spending some time interpreting the dream, that not only is the theory of dream weaving a true and factual ability that some or most people have, but this dream and several others I had over my lifetime convinced me that I too, may be a dream weaver. A dream weaver sees things in clear and precise detail. A dream weaver can find themselves actually dreaming inside the dream of another person. And in this case, this is what happened here. This is actually a record of Obama's dream and I saw it happen. Again this site and all its content is based on the premise that this is indeed true and its source is factual and tangible. Many will choose to call it crazy, different, weird, imaginative, creative, boring, silly, stupid, sac-religious and many other comments or colorful words people use to describe things they just don't care to learn about or understand. If it doesn't happen to them, they just don't care to acknowledge it's real. 
But I say this to you. It happened to me. I started out this quest as a skeptic. Not like a non-believer, just one who likes to question things and get to the root of it all; i.e. god, devil, heaven, hell, aliens, angels, past, present, future visions, etc. Why are they all connected and why do they seem to heavily plague our minds and experiences on a daily basis? Why is it so important to our species to know these things if we cannot do anything about it? Is it purely for the sake of having the knowledge? Is it so that we may share it with others in hopes that they too learn and grow and make a change in their own lives somehow? Who knows. But one thing is certain and incontestably clear as I understand it. 

The truth is this. Indeed the time is coming. Please people. Come on. Wake Up. Pay attention. The so-called ''end of days'' does not have a specific and definite calendar date that is given to us here on Earth. The actual literal hour of the Second Coming of the Son of Man is not known to us as it was not known to the Savior Himself. He made it very clear that only His Father in Heaven knew the moment of His return. There is no definite number. No human religion or faith base nor scientific knowledge or technological advance will precisely pinpoint "The Event." Even clearly translating the books of the Bible show that several natural phenomenon over the course of several centuries must occur before this day comes. Up to and including, polar shifts, earthquakes, meteor showers that have devastating repercussions and nuclear wars, whose aftermath of heavy clouds of radiation and smoke so dense will block the sun and moon for a period of time.

It is written that the Light of Life will come like a thief in the night. Unknowing. So please. Be ready. Stay ready. This means love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind, and all your strength. And let no worldly desires or events great or small take you away from the gift of life. Because in the true end of days, there will be trial and tribulation and there will be suffering like man has never seen before. But if you repent and follow the Truth you will not be part of it. It will not concern you. Let the filthy be filthy, let the dirty be dirty and fall away from you. Fore you are a child of God and unto God you will return. This is my prayer for us. 

Go in Peace and know that the Lord your God is with you Always-beyond the ends of time.
Author and Creator of the "The Dream Weaver Diaries" 
-DeMaster Thomas

2020 and Beyond: The Future of Humanity

Well, had another dream and it was the year 3070. I noticed that it had been a hundred and fifty years since the breakout of everyt...