If you are a believer, baptized in the Christ, you are GUARANTEED a VIP seat with JESUS! That's great news! But what do we know about the rewards and how do we tell the difference between the world's interpretation of reward in heaven and God's true description of it? Click the link below and dive in to what it truely means to store up your treasures in heaven by the love you share and the light you shine in the world. Learn more about how your actions reflect who you are in Christ and how you are a precious stone in the crown of the King. You Matter. In this life and the next. Let's listen.
Celebrity Sacrifices to Satan for Fame and Fortune
It's been over a year since I've posted anything, I've been busy in church spending time with the One True God, Creator, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, trying to get out and enjoy life that Jesus Christ gives. But I had to stop and put this out there, and will post some more, as we I go to play catch up. While the video is all purely speculation and non-biblical, I do ask that you continue to pray not only for these celebrities, but for the minds that they reach. God is alive is all of us and we need to let that light shine brighter than the celebrities fake stars do on tv. Here's an interesting theory that I wanted to revisit about Celebrities sacrificing their children or loved ones for fame and fortune. Remember, Satan can make broken promises on earth, but only Christ can keep get you into the true Heaven with the true Father, God. Here we go, check it out.
Are ‘Blood Moons’ a Biblical Sign
Are specific celestial events, including Tuesday’s “blood moon,” really evidence that the end times are upon us or that, at the least, something profound is on the horizon concerning Israel?
It’s the latter claim that’s being made by Texas pastor John Hagee, whose 2013 book, “Four Blood Moons: Something Is About to Change,” detailed the supposedly prophetic signs Hagee believes God is sending mankind.
Hagee contends that these messages are coming through tetrads — rare series of four total lunar eclipses that occur over two-year periods. These “blood moons,” named for the reddish color that results when the Earth comes between the sun and moon, are tied to major events involving Israel, he says.
“It is rare that scripture, science and history align with each other, yet the last three series of four blood moons have done exactly that,” reads a description of Hagee’s latest book. ”Just as in biblical times, God is controlling the sun, the moon and the stars to send our generation a signal that something big is about to happen.”
In an interview with TheBlaze last year, Hagee said the premise of his theory is “confirmed by NASA” data. He argued that a series of four blood moons have appeared on Passover and Sukkot, also known as Feast of Tabernacles (Passover celebrates the Jews’ liberation from Egyptian slavery and Sukkot commemorates the Jews’ 40-year wandering in the desert).
And each time, he said, something significant has happened concerning the Jewish people.
“This has happened only three times in over 500 years, so it’s a very rare thing,” Hagee said, adding that the dates during which the tetrads fell always began with “tears” and ended in “triumph.”
While there have certainly been other sets of four blood moons, only eight times in the past 2,000 years have all four in a series fallen on the two Jewish holidays consecutively.
The Historical ‘Blood Moons’ Narrative
In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella “issued an edict of expulsion” kicking the Jews out of Spain, Hagee told TheBlaze. This happened during the Spanish Inquisition, which began in 1478 in an effort to rid the region of Jews and Muslims.
According to NASA data, there was a tetrad from 1493 to 1494 (there were three preceding tetrads that century as well, but they did not fall on Jewish holidays).
Photo credit: Shutterstock
And that’s not the only series of blood moons Hagee links to Israel, as NASA data shows that yet another tetrad unfolded between 1949 and 1950, a key time for Israel’s modern-day manifestation.“In 1948, that’s the year Israel became a state,” he explained. “The thing that happened prior to that was the tragedy of the Holocaust, which ended in the rejoicing of statehood.”
Another tetrad happened between 1967 and 1968, a period which saw the Six-Day War — a moment of “triumph” when Jerusalem was reunified and became “the eternal capital of the Jewish people once again,” Hagee said.
NASA data also shows that four blood moons emerged between the years 1909-1910, 1927-1928 and 1985-1986, but these also did not fall on the Jewish holidays.
The Current Tetrad
NASA says the current tetrad of blood moons that started early Tuesday morning will last until Sept. 28, 2015. The last tetrad to occur happened between 2003 and 2004, though it did not fall on Jewish holidays.
Hagee said that there would “not be anymore four blood moons in the future” that fall on these holidays, so he says the current tetrad could indicate the start of some major, earth-shattering events.
NASA data does appear to show six others will happen this century, but none appear to have all four blood moons fall on both Passover and Sukkot as they do in 2014 and 2015.
“When you think about the precision that God has to perform in getting the sun, the moon and the Earth in perfect alignment and to produce that exactness on passover and Feast of Tabernacles … the random probability of that just runs off the charts,” Hagee told TheBlaze.
Pastor John Hagee (Image source: YouTube/Worthy Publishing)
“I think the thing that people will take away from this is that it
means, based on past history, that something is about to change in the
Middle East concerning Israel that will affect the nations of world and
everyone on planet Earth,” he said. “No one knows for sure what it will
be, but based on the pattern of the past it will involve Israel. It will
begin with tears and end in triumph and change the course of history
forever.”Is There a Scriptural Basis for the Theory?
Hagee took TheBlaze through biblical scripture that he said shows that God has traditionally communicated with mankind through celestial means and that “God is sending planet Earth signals from the heavens.”
He cited Joel 2:20-21 in the Old Testament and Acts 2:19-20 and Luke 21:25-28 in the New Testament; Revelation 6:12 also references a red moon, though Hagee didn’t mention this verse to TheBlaze.
The verses he did mention read as follows (the verses from Acts are not presented below, as they generally reference the words of Joel, though they can be read here):
Joel 2:20-21: “I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and billows of smoke.The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.”Critics Speak Out
Luke 21:25-28: “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken. At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.”
Not everyone accepts Hagee’s theoretical paradigm.
Christian expert Hank Hanegraaff, the “Bible Answer Man” who is no stranger to speaking out against certain end-times prophecies, is among the many critics of Hagee’s end-times philosophy.
He called the theory of the four blood moons “appalling” and “deplorable,” flatly dismissing it in a recent interview with TheBlaze.
“What these purveyors of blood moon theology [are doing] is taking the natural use of the stars, which God ordains, and perverting it with superstitiousness which God disdains,” Hanegraaff said. “The heavenly bodies are used for separating the night from the day … [for] marking seasons, from giving light on the Earth and so forth.”
Photo credit: Shutterstock
Hanegraaff examined the verses Hagee cited, noting that while Peter
references Joel 2:20-21 in the verses invoked in Acts 2:19-20, there’s
no evidence that these scriptures are to be taken as future predictions
in the modern era.“Peter talks about the ultimate day of judgement … it pertains to the coming of the Lord … coming in judgement on Jerusalem and ultimately it pertains to a second coming as well, but there’s no word whatsoever for taking the language of Joel and suggesting that somehow or other you can read from that language what is going to happen in the modern epic,” Hanegraaff said.
He also noted that the Spanish Inquisition began 15 years before the 1493 tetrad, though it is true that it wasn’t until 1492 that the Jews were expelled from the region.
Hanegraaff also pointed to some one-year differences as gaps in time that didn’t make the tetrads reliable in terms of connecting them to biblical prophecy. Consider, for instance, that Israel was founded in May 1948, but the tetrad didn’t start until 1949.
SEE VIDEO HERE (copy and paste this link in your browswer)
Hanegraaff added: “Lunar exclipses are associated with Jewish events
anyway. There should be no real surprise that you find these kinds of
events happening.”Kenneth L. Waters, associate dean and a New Testament professor at California’s Azusa Pacific University, agreed that it’s not entirely surprising that these dates would fall on Passover and Sukkot.
“[T]here is nothing particularly extraordinary about these holy days coinciding with a full moon,” he wrote in a CNN op-ed. “Jewish holy days are based upon a lunar calendar. Passover is always celebrated the first full moon after the vernal equinox and the Feast of Tabernacles is always the first full moon after the autumnal equinox.”
Ken Ham’s Answers in Genesis provided an overview of how the calendar works, agreeing that there’s nothing astounding about the dates lining up with Jewish holidays.
The group even provided tables to show that it’s not unique that eclipses sometimes fall on Jewish holidays, considering the Jewish calendar follows the moon (still, some will contend that it’s curious to see that this set of four consecutive blood moons has only unfolded on holidays eight times and is purportedly not set to happen again after the 2014-2015 tetrad).
Waters also made the point that the blood moons theory essentially sets a timetable, quoting Jesus in Matthew 24:26 saying of the end times: “However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows.”
The blood moon was not visible from Israel on April 14. (Image source: NASA)
“There also is a question of from what portion of the earth one ought to view these eclipses for them to constitute a sign,” he wrote. “One might think that Jerusalem would be a key site, but the first three total lunar eclipses in 2014–2015 won’t be visible from there, and only the beginning of the final eclipse will be. One must ask whether a sign that few people notice is much of a sign.”
Here’s a video attempt at debunking the theory that was put together by blogger and online radio host Chris White:
A spokesman told USA Today this week that Hagee “has not associated the blood moons with the end of days” and only believes it in relation to Israel.
Watch Glenn Beck and Billy Hallowell discuss the four blood moons theory below:
Watch Glenn Beck and Billy Hallowell discuss the four blood moons theory below:
The 6 Grand Illusions That Keep Us Enslaved to the Matrix
“In prison, illusions can offer comfort.” – Nelson Mandela
For a magician to fool his audience his
deceit must go unseen, and to this end he crafts an illusion to
avert attention from reality. While the audience is entranced, the
deceptive act is committed, and for the fool, reality then becomes
inexplicably built upon on a lie. That is, until the fool wakes up and
recognizes the truth in the fact that he has been duped.
Maintaining the suspension of disbelief in
the illusion, however, is often more comforting than acknowledging the
magician’s secrets.
We live in a world of illusion. So many of
the concerns that occupy the mind and the tasks that fill the calendar
arise from planted impulses to become someone or something that we are not.
This is no accident. As we are indoctrinated into this
authoritarian-corporate-consumer culture that now dominates the human
race, we are trained that certain aspects of our society are untouchable
truths, and that particular ways of being and behaving are preferred.
Psychopaths disempower
people in this way. They blind us with never ceasing barrages of
suggestions and absolutes that are aimed at shattering self-confidence
and confidence in the future.
Bansky, the revered and elusive revolutionary street artist, once commented:
“People are taking the piss out of you everyday. They butt into your life, take a cheap shot at you and then disappear. They leer at you from tall buildings and make you feel small.They make flippant comments from buses that imply you’re not sexy enough and that all the fun is happening somewhere else. They are on TV making your girlfriend feel inadequate.They have access to the most sophisticated technology the world has ever seen and they bully you with it. They are The Advertisers and they are laughing at you.” – BanksyAdvertisements
Advertising is just the tip of the iceberg.
When we look further we see that the overall organization of life is
centered around the pursuit of illusions and automatic obedience to
institutions and ideas which are not at all what they seem. We are in a
very real sense enslaved. Many call this somewhat intangible feeling of
oppression ‘the matrix,’ a system of total control that invades the
mind, programming individuals to pattern themselves in accordance with a
mainstream conformist version of reality, no matter how wicked it gets.
The grandest of the illusions which keep us
enslaved to the matrix, the ones that have so many of us still
entranced, are outlined below for your consideration.
1. The Illusion of Law, Order and Authority
For so many of us, following the law is
considered a moral obligation, and many of us gladly do so even though
corruption, scandal, and wickedness repeatedly demonstrate that the law
is plenty flexible for those who have the muscle to bend it. Police
brutality and police criminality is rampant in the US, the courts favor
the wealthy, and we can longer even lead our lives privately thanks to
the intrusion of state surveillance. And all the while the illegal and
immoral Orwellian permanent war rages on in the background of life,
murdering and destroying whole nations and cultures.
The social order is not what it seems, for it
is entirely predicated on conformity, obedience and acquiescence which
are enforced by fear of violence. History teaches us again and again
that the law is just as often as not used as an instrument of
oppression, social control and plunder, and any so-called authority in
this regard is false, hypocritical, and unjust.
When the law itself does not follow the law,
there is no law, there is no order, and there is no justice. The pomp
and trappings of authority are merely a concealment of the truth that
the current world order is predicated on control, not consent.
2. The Illusion of Prosperity and Happiness
Adorning oneself in expensive clothes and
trinkets, and amassing collections of material possessions that would be
the envy of any 19th century monarch has become a substitute for
genuine prosperity. Maintaining the illusion of prosperity, though, is
critical to our economy as it is, because its foundation is built on
consumption, fraud, credit and debt.
The banking system itself has been engineered from the top down to
create unlimited wealth for some while taxing the eternity out of the
rest of us.
True prosperity is a vibrant environment and
an abundance of health, happiness, love, and relationships. As more
people come to perceive material goods as the form of self-identification in this culture, we slip farther and farther away from the experience of true prosperity.
3. The Illusion of Choice and Freedom
Read between the lines and look at the fine
print, we are not free, not by any intelligent standard. Freedom is
about having choice, yet in today’s world, choice has come to
mean a selection between available options, always from within the
confines of a corrupt legal and taxation system and within the
boundaries of culturally accepted and enforced norms.
Just look no further than the phony
institution of modern democracy to find a shining example of false
choices appearing real. Two entrenched, corrupt, archaic political
parties are paraded as the pride and hope of the nation, yet third party
and independent voices are intentionally blocked, ridiculed and plowed
The illusion of choice and freedom is a
powerful oppressor because it fools us into accepting chains and short
leashes as though they were the hallmarks of liberty.
Multiple choice is different than freedom, it is easy servitude.
4. The Illusion of Truth
Truth has become a touchy subject in our culture, and we’ve been programmed to believe that ‘the‘
truth comes from the demigods of media, celebrity, and government. If
the TV declares something to be true, then we are heretics to believe
In order to maintain order, the powers that
be depend our acquiescence to their version of the truth. While
independent thinkers and journalists continually blow holes in the
official versions of reality, the illusion of truth is so very
powerful that it takes a serious personal upheaval to shun the cognitive
dissonance needed to function in a society that openly chases false
5. The Illusion of Time
They say that time is money, but this is a
lie. Time is your life. Your life is an ever-evolving manifestation of
the now. Looking beyond the five sense world, where we have been trained
to move in accordance with the clock and the calendar, we find that the
spirit is eternal, and that the each individual soul is part of this
The big deception here is the reinforcement
of the idea that the present moment is of little to no value, that the
past is something we cannot undo or ever forget, and that the future is
intrinsically more important than both the past and the present. This
carries our attention away from what it actually happening right now and
directs it toward the future. Once completely focused on what is to
come rather than what is, we are easy prey to advertisers and fear-pimps
who muddy our vision of the future with every possible worry and
concern imaginable.
We are happiest when life doesn’t box us in,
when spontaneity and randomness gives us the chance to find out more
about ourselves. Forfeiting the present moment in order to fantasize
about the future is a trap. The immense, timeless moments of spiritual
joy that are found in quiet meditation are proof that time is a
construct of the mind of humankind, and not necessarily mandatory for
the human experience.
If time is money, then life can be measured
in dollars. When dollars are worth less, so is life. This is
total deception, because life is, in truth, absolutely priceless.
6. The Illusion of Separateness
On a strategic level, the tactic of divide
and conquer is standard operating procedure for authoritarians and
invading armies, but the illusion of separateness runs even deeper than
We are programmed to believe that as
individuals we are in competition with everyone and everything around
us, including our neighbors and even mother nature.
Us vs. them to the extreme. This flatly denies the truth that life on
this planet is infinitely inter-connected. Without clean air, clean
water, healthy soil, and a vibrant global sense of community we cannot
survive here.
While the illusion of separateness comforts
us by gratifying the ego and and offering a sense of control, in reality
it only serves to enslave and isolate us.
The grand illusions mentioned here have been
staged before us as a campaign to encourage blind acquiescence to the
machinations of the matrix. In an attempt to dis-empower us, they demand
our conformity and obedience, but we must not forget that all of this
is merely an elaborate sales pitch. They can’t sell what we don’t care
to buy.
About the Author
Sigmund Fraud is a survivor of modern psychiatry and a dedicated mental activist. He is a staff writer for WakingTimes.com where he indulges in the possibility of a massive shift towards a more psychologically aware future for mankind.
Unidentified Flying Objects -
- General Information
- Reference Report relating to Project BLUE BOOK
- U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet on UFO'S and Project BLUE BOOK
- Reference Report relating to Majestic 12 {MJ-12}
- Information of the "Roswell Incident"
General Information
The United States Air Force retired to the custody of the National Archives its records on Project BLUE BOOK relating to the investigations of unidentified flying objects. Project BLUE BOOK has been declassified and the records are available for examination in our research room. The project closed in 1969 and we have no information on sightings after that date.The National Archives has received numerous inquiries concerning documents identified as "MJ12" and "Briefing Document: Operation Majestic 12." We have made extensive searches among the records in our custody of the U.S. Air Force and the Joint Chiefs of Staff to identify these documents. The Truman and Eisenhower Libraries have also searched their holdings for any references to, or copies of, the documents. In addition, the records of the National Security Council (NSC) for the Truman and Eisenhower Administrations are in the custody of the National Archives. Searches were made of the indexes to the NSC's Policy Paper and Meeting Minute files under the subjects MJ-12, majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO, flying saucers,extraterrestrial biological entities and Aquarius. These searches were all negative with the exception of a "Memorandum for General Twining, from Robert Cutler, Special Assistant to the President, Subject: "NCS/MJ-12 Special Studies Project" dated July 14, 1954. The memorandum, one page, refers to a briefing to take place on July 16. The memorandum does not identify MJ-12 or the purpose of the briefing.
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Project BLUE BOOK Reference Report
Textual records of Project BLUE BOOK (the documentation relating to investigations of unidentified flying objects), excluding names of people involved in the sightings, are now available for research in the National Archives Building. The records include approximately 2 cubic feet of unarranged project or administrative files, 37 cubic feet of case files in which individual sightings are arranged chronologically, and 3 cubic feet of records relating to the Office of Special Investigations (OSI), portions of which are arranged chronologically, by OSI district, and by overseas command. A cubic foot of records comprises about 2,000 pages. Finding aids for these records include a file list for the project files and an index to individual sightings, entered by date and location.Access to BLUE BOOK textual records is by means of 94 rolls of 35mm microfilm (T-1206) in the National Archives Microfilm Reading Room. The first microfilm roll includes a list of contents for all of the rolls and the finding aids. Photographs scattered among the textual records have also been filmed separately on the last two rolls.
Motion picture film, sound recordings, and some still pictures are maintained by the Motion Picture & Sound & Video Branch (NNSM) and the Still Picture Branch (NNSP).
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U.S. Air Force Fact Sheet Concerning UFO's and Project BLUE BOOK
The following is a copy of the US Air Force Fact Sheet distributed by Wright-Patterson AFB in January 1985.United States Air Force
Public Affairs Division,
Wright-Patterson AFB,
Ohio 45433
UFOs & PROJECT BLUE BOOK On December 17, 1969, the Secretary of the Air Force announced the termination of Project BLUE BOOK, the Air Force program for the investigation of UFOS.
From 1947 to 1969, a total of 12, 618 sightings were reported to Project BLUE BOOK. Of these 701 remain "Unidentified." The project was headquartered at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, whose personnel no longer receive, document or investigate UFO reports.
The decision to discontinue UFO investigations was based on an evaluation of a report prepared by the University of Colorado entitled, "Scientific Study of Unidentified Flying Objects;" a review of the University of Colorado's report by the National Academy of Sciences; past UFO studies and Air Force experience investigating UFO reports during the 40s, '50s, and '60s.
As a result of these investigations and studies and experience gained from investigating UFO reports since 1948, the conclusions of Project BLUE BOOK are:(1) no UFO reported, investigated, and evaluated by the Air Force has ever given any indication of threat to our national security;(2) there has been no evidence submitted to or discovered by the Air Force that sightings categorized as "unidentified" represent technological developments or principles beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge; and(3) there has been no evidence indicating that sightings categorized as "unidentified" are extraterrestrial vehicles.
With the termination of Project BLUE BOOK, the Air Force regulations establishing and controlling the program for investigating and analyzing UFOs were rescinded. Documentation regarding the former BLUE BOOK investigation has been permanently transferred to the Military Reference Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408, and is available for public review and analysis.
Since Project BLUE BOOK was closed, nothing has happened to indicate that the Air Force ought to resume investigating UFOS. Because of the considerable cost to the Air Force in the past, and the tight funding of Air Force needs today, there is no likelihood the Air Force will become involved with UFO investigation again.
There are a number of universities and professional scientific organizations, such as the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which have considered UFO phenomena during periodic meetings and seminars. In addition, a list of private organizations interested in aerial phenomena my be found in Gayle's Encyclopedia of Associations (edition 8, vol-. 1, pp. 432-433). Such timely review of the situation by private groups ensures that sound evidence will not be overlooked by the scientific community.
A person calling the base to report a UFO is advised to contact a private or professional organization (as mentioned above) or to contact a local law enforcement agency if the caller feels his or public safety is endangered.
Periodically, it is erroneously stated that the remains of extraterrestrial visitors are or have been stored at Wright-Patterson AFB. There are not now nor ever have been, any extraterrestrial visitors or equipment on Wright-Patterson Air Force Base.
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Majestic 12 or "MJ-12" Reference Report
The National Archives has received many requests for documentation and information about "Project MJ-12." Many of the inquiries concern a memorandum from Robert Cutler to Gen. Nathan Twining, dated July 14, 1954. This particular document poses problems for the following reasons:- The document was located in Record Group 341, entry 267. The
series is filed by a Top Secret register number. This document
does not bear such a number.
- The document is filed in the folder T4-1846. There are no
other documents in the folder regarding "NSC/MJ-12."
- Researchers on the staff of the National Archives have
searched in the records of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint
Chiefs on Staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, and in other
related files. No further information has been found on this
- Inquiries to the U.S. Air Force, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
and the National Security Council failed to produce further
- The Freedom of Information Office of the National Security
Council informed the National Archives that "Top Secret
Restricted Information" is a marking which did not come into use
at the National Security Council until the Nixon Administration.
The Eisenhower Presidential Library also confirm that this
particular marking was not used during the Eisenhower
- The document in question does not bear an official government
letterhead or watermark. The NARA conservation specialist
examined the paper and determined it was a ribbon
copy prepared on "diction onionskin." The Eisenhower Library has
examined a representative sample of the documents in its
collection of the Cutler papers. All documents in the sample
created by Mr. Cutler while he served on the NSC staff have an
eagle watermark in the bond paper. The onionskin carbon copies
have either an eagle watermark or no watermark at all. Most
documents sent out by the NSC were prepared on White House
letterhead paper. For the brief period when Mr. Cutler left the
NSC, his carbon copies were prepared on "prestige onionskin."
- The National Archives searched the Official Meeting Minute
Files of the National Security Council and found no record of a
NSC meeting on July 16, 1954. A search of all NSC Meeting Minutes
for July 1954 found no mention of MJ-12 nor Majestic.
- The Judicial, Fiscal and Social Branch searched
the indices of the NSC records and found no listing for: MJ-12,
Majestic, unidentified flying objects, UFO, flying saucers, or
flying discs.
- NAJA found a memo in a folder titled "Special Meeting July 16,
1956" which indicated that NSC members would be called to a civil
defense exercise on July 16, 1956.
- The Eisenhower Library states, in a letter to the Military Reference Branch, dated July 16, 1987:
"president Eisenhower's Appointment Books contain no entry for a special meeting on July 16, 1954 which might have included a briefing on MJ-12. Even when the President had 'off the record' meetings, the Appointment Books contain entries indicating the time of the meeting and the participants ...Robert Cutler, at the direction of President Eisenhower, was visiting overseas military installations of the day he supposedly issued this memorandum--- July 14, 1954. The Administration Series in Eisenhower's Papers as President contains Cutler's memorandum and report to the President upon his return from the trip. The memorandum is dated July 20, 1954 and refers to Cutler's visits to installations in Europe and North Africa between July 3 and 15. Also, within the NSC Staff Papers is a memorandum dated July 3, 1954, from Cutler to his two subordinates, James S. Ia and J. Patrick Cone, explaining how they should handle NSC administrative matters during his absence; one would assume that if the memorandum to Twining were genuine, Lay or Cone would have signed it."
"The Declassification office of the National Security Council has informed us that it has no record of any declassification action having been taken on this memorandum or any other documents on this alleged project ..."
When certifying a document under the seal of the National Archives we attest that the reproduction is a true copy of a document in our custody. We do not authenticate documents or the information contained in a document.
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The "Roswell Incident"
The National Archives has been unable to locate any documentation among the Project BLUE BOOK records which discuss the 1947 incident in Roswell, New Mexico.On September 8, 1994, the Secretary of the Air Force, Sheila E. Widnall, announced that the United States Air Force had completed its study to locate records that relate to the alleged 1947 UFO incident near Roswell, New Mexico. Pro-UFO researchers claim that an extraterrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants were recovered near Roswell in July of 1947, and that this fact was kept from the public.
At the request of Congressman Steven H. Schiff (R-NM), the General Accounting Office (GAO) initiated an audit in February of 1994, to locate all records relating to the "Roswell Incident" and to determine if such records were properly handled. The GAO audit was completed and the results published by the Headquarters, U.S. Air Force in 1995. The publication is entitled "The Roswell Report: Fact vs. Fiction in the New Mexico Desert." This publication may be obtained from most U.S. Government Depository Library. The call number is ISBN 0-16- 048023-X.
The General Accounting Office audit involved a number of government agencies but focused on the Air Force. To support this audit, the Air Force initiated a systematic search of current Air Force offices as well as numerous archives and records centers which might help explain the incident. Air Force officials also interviewed a number of persons who may have had knowledge of the events. Prior to the interviews, Secretary Widnall released those persons from any previous security obligations that may have restricted their statements.
The Air Force research did not locate or develop any information that the "Roswell Incident" was a UFO event nor was there any indication of a "cover-up" by the Government. Information obtained through exhaustive records searches and interviews indicated that the materials recovered near Roswell was consistent with a balloon devise of the type used in a then classified project. No records indicated or even hinted that the recovery of "alien" bodies or extraterrestrial materials.
All documentation related to this case are now declassified and the information in the public domain. Documentation has been turned over to the office of the Air Force Historian.
Ancient Art: Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs?
Why Does Ancient Art Contain Depictions Of Flying Aircraft, Helicopters And Dinosaurs?
The history of our
planet is far more complex than most people would dare to imagine.
According to the commonly accepted version of history that is taught in
high schools and colleges all over the United States, ancient man was a
very simple creature with extremely limited knowledge. Unfortunately for
those that promote this flawed version of history, archaeologists keep
digging up stuff that directly contradicts it. The truth is that there
is a tremendous amount of evidence of great intellectual achievement in
the ancient world. For example,
just consider the Great Pyramid of Giza. It is a true technological
marvel. It is such a massive structure built with such extraordinary
precision that modern technology is only just now starting to catch up
with it. We think that we could possibly build a similar structure today
if we wanted to, but modern man has never actually constructed anything
like it. And as you will see below, the Great Pyramid of Giza is far
from the only example of advanced technology in the ancient world that
we find in Egypt.
Posted below is a photograph of a wall in an ancient Egyptian temple at Abydos. Look at the hieroglyphics very carefully.
Do you see anything strange?
Researcher Lyn Leahz wrote about these incredibly bizarre hieroglyphics the other day. The following is what she had to say about them…
Decorating an Egyptian temple wall at Abydos are strange hieroglyphics which depict what appears to be modern day aircraft. This finding has caused much controversy among Egyptologists and archaeologists who are not sure what to think. How could people 2-3,000 years ago possibly have known about modern-dayaircraft?When Dr. Ruth Hover and her husband took a trip to the pyramids and temples of Egypt, they were shocked when they discovered, in the temple at Abydos, hieroglyphics depicting modern-day aircraft. She photographed a wall panel in a section where an overlaying panel with Egyptian hieroglyphics crumbled and fell, revealing an older panel beneath it. This older panel, shown above, contains images of what appear to be modern-day technology—a helicopter, a submarine, a glider, and another unknown type of aircraft (some believe resemble the Hindenburg).
So how do those promoting the commonly accepted version of history explain this?
They can’t.
In the video shared below, Lyn Leahz shares even more about these hieroglyphics and discusses additional “out of place artifacts” around the globe…
Posted below is a photo of an ancient engraving on a Buddhist temple in Cambodia known as the Ta Prohm Stegosaurus. According to the commonly accepted version of history, such an engraving should be absolutelyimpossible because dinosaurs died out millions of years ago and modern scientists only started digging them up a couple hundred years ago. And yet this engraving is there…
Deep in the jungles of Cambodia are ornate temples and palaces from the Khmer civilization. One such temple, Ta Prohm, abounds with stone statues and reliefs. Almost every square inch of the gray sandstone is covered with ornate, detailed carvings. These depict familiar animals like monkeys, deer, water buffalo, parrots, and lizards. However, one column contains an intricate carving of a stegosaur-like creature. But how could artisansdecorating an 800 year old Buddhist temple know what a dinosaur looked like? Western science only began assembling dinosaurs skeletons in the past two centuries.
Very strange stuff.
Another unexpected
place where we find “ancient dinosaur art” is on the ancient Ica Stones
that were discovered down in Peru. These stones were originally found
by the Spanish in 1535, and Spanish explorers sent some of these stones back to Spain in 1562.
The art on many of
these stones is extremely beautiful, but what makes them extremely
controversial is the fact that many of them appear to contain clear
depictions of dinosaurs. Here is one example…
And here is another example. If you look closely at this one, you can see what very much looks like a Triceratops…
again, those promoting the commonly accepted version of history are at a
loss to explain this. Most commonly, they attempt to explain this
phenomenon away as a hoax because locals did start creating fake “Ica
stones” in recent years once they discovered that tourists wanted to buy
But the Ica stones
that are considered to be authentic contain some remarkable details. In
fact, much of the anatomical knowledge about dinosaurs depicted on these stones was only discovered by modern scientists just very recently…
Other items of anatomical accuracy that attest to the authenticity of these Ica Stone depictions include the positioning of the tail and legs. Early critics said the Ica Stones were fakes, in part because their tails were sticking out while walking. Paleontologists in the 1960s were confident that dinosaurs dragged their tails. The paleontologists were wrong and the Ica Stones were right. Scientists now believe dinosaurs held their massive tails off the ground while walking, because there are no drag marks on dinosaur trackways. The dinosaurs on the Ica Stones are depicted standing upright, rather than with legs splayed out in a lizard-like position. That, according to dinosaur experts, is “dead on” accurate.
course the Ica Stones are just one of the incredible examples of
ancient dinosaur art that have been discovered all over the world. For
many, many more examples of this phenomenon, just check out the article
that you can find right here.
Anyone that
attempts to convince you that humans that lived thousands of years ago
were bumbling dolts that were lucky to build mud huts and cover their
genitals with grass skirts is lying to you.
The truth is that
human history is incredibly complex. There are monolithic structures all
over the planet that are still standing after thousands of years that
remind all of us that great civilizations with amazing technologies once
And there is
actually evidence that modern humans are actually getting dumber. A
Stanford University biology professor recently published a work in which
he expressed his conclusion that humans have been getting dumber for thousands of years.
Also, Dr. John
Sanford of Cornell University has conducted groundbreaking research that
demonstrates conclusively that the human genome is steadily degenerating and is eventually heading toward extinction.
So perhaps we
should not think of ourselves as so superior to ancient humanity. The
reality is that they may have been physically and mentally superior to
us in many ways.
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