Showing posts with label derek speed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label derek speed. Show all posts



Derek Speed wrote: (2008)

Man will destroy this planet long before any "death star" will. Pay attention,  firstly it has been proven in a Supreme Court in the United States that there is no such thing as intelligent design by "god". Secondly, it will be the philosophies of religion that destroy the earth. Two thousand years ago, someone named Moses wrote what's called the Ten Commandments, one of those Commandments was "Thou Shalt not Kill". That philosophy makes human life, more valuable than the planet that sustains it. According to experts, there was 1 billion people on this planet two thousand years ago. If no humans killed any humans for the last two thousand years like the bible suggest, what would the current human population of this planet be right now? Keep in mind, the human population has doubled in the last forty years from 3 billion to 6 billion. Take out a pencil and piece of paper, now draw a circle, with another circle around the outside of the circle you just drew. Make it look like a cell and a nucleus. Now think of how a virus works, a virus or parasite like the Ebola Virus. If one of these parasites invade one of our cells, it will do nothing but consume and reproduce, just like the human animal in the "thou shalt not kill" world. Think of planet earth as a cell in our bodies, the earth is the atom and the ozone is the nucleus that protects it. The human animal does nothing but consume and reproduce, because we are not permitted to kill or conflict with each other, it's against "gods" law.
What happens to a cell when its totally consumed by a virus or a parasite, well, it dies. We the human race in the "thou shalt not kill" world will kill our cell or planet. I want you to think of those four words uttered 2 thousand years ago, and then go pick up a dictionary and look up the word Ironic. Why is everything round, bubbles, the earth, the atom, our cells, even our orbit, well it's simple really, the circle is the most efficient shape, the circle of life doesn't start at ocean plankton and end at the lion. We, the human race walk this planet with infinite complacency, convinced of our superiority over it, that way of thinking is going to get us all killed.

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