Life After Death

Life After Death
The supernatural. Do we really respect the unseen? Do we really believe that there is a such thing as the "supernatural"? I mean, come on. This blog and countless other sources, are dedicated to convicting the world that the supernatural exists! We say we don't care if you believe us or not, but we do. That's why we share all this information for free. I must say, it's good conversation and a great topic for discussion. So great that it has been the cornerstone of our spiritual thirst since the beginning of our time. We are, whether we like it or not, deeply rooted, somehow connected, and mysteriously drawn to the unknown. It's as if it's woven into our DNA (hint, hint.)

There's an old story, about 1900 years old actually, about a beggar and a rich man. The rich man never gave the beggar any money, food or help as he felt it was beneath him to help such a person who was not worthy to share his riches. Oddly, they both died on the same day and the beggar was taken up by angels to be eternally in peace and good fortune, the rich man was captured by demons and taken into bowels of suffering where he would be tormented for eternity. The story expresses three huge messages: the first, being the obvious, be kind and generous to others that are truly in need of help. The second, that there are beings that exist beyond our natural eye that are among us in life and death and the third being the hardest to swallow: there is life after death and there is a good place and a bad place to spend eternity.

Now with all the stories of old and new, we can easily write off 90% of it and say they were just stories that parents told kids to make them be good and stay out of trouble or they were stories people told for the sake of imaginative wonder and allure.

Either way, we have not yet been able to prove or deny anything in question except this: there is no such thing as reincarnation. You get one life and you die one death. (Thank goodness for that!) We also have irrefutable proof that our death is final - our eternal destiny is set. There is no historical, scientific or religious proof that there is a "limbo" or "purgatory". This was made up by man and is NOT in line with the natural order of the cycle of existence.
Humans are designed to be biodegradable. We are created from natural elements and once the cycle of life has ended, our bodies are consumed by the earth and naturally recycled. The Egyptians believed that by preserving the body, it could be used on "the other side" somehow. NOT TRUE. Popular culture today believe that a coffin or tomb or some other type of vessel is necessary to respectfully bury the dead. ALSO NOT TRUE. All of these extra steps we do to a dead body are a complete waste of time for the person who died. Like it or not, no matter what you believe, you will NOT be getting your old body back AFTER you die.

Now there is the argument of those are taken up in "the rapture" in their current, live bodies and what happens to them; so forth and so on and like I say, so many cultures, worldwide argue in their beliefs that they need to "do something" with the lifeless bodies that is respectful and tasteful, now that part I get. That part is actually the only part that makes the most sense. But any culture that says, we're attempting to save this deteriorating carcass for the person to use again, is completely delusional. I'm sorry to be so harsh and insensitive on this one, but the facts are the facts: our bodies return to the elements of the earth-this is our physical death; for the body to go into the ground - not cremated or hopelessly preserved for a short and heart-wrenching time.

As we have also come to discover through our journey on this site, we, as humans are "two-part". We are part natural and part supernatural. Our natural shell is of earthly physical elements. Our supernatural core is metaphysical, a composition of pure, intellectual energy with a regenerating life source that is, for the sake of this discussion, infinite. What happens to this part of us after death? Where did it come from in the first place? Why don't we remember anything before we were born? Whoa, one question at a time. Let's digress for answers: You don't remember anything before you were born, because before you were born you were simple particles of pure energy without the ability to comprehend and store knowledge of self and creation or existence, created from the infinite relative source that ultimately connects us all. Your core or as we call it, your soul, is that one part of you that make you - well - YOU. It is the unique identity that is set into motion from an incredibly intricate design of random selection with superior-composite results. No two humans are ever alike completely-not even twins. Every spirit or soul is unique and their experiences during their lives define and determine what happens to their souls after death.

Here's the hard truth that goes down like swallowing nails: no matter what your background or faith or belief, every soul after going through the experience of life goes to ETERNAL UNREST or ETERNAL PEACE. You are not the creator of a so-called heaven or hell, these planes of existence were already there before humans were created.  This is only AFTER the soul is placed in a new body.
As for the soul itself, until this new body is made for you and you are placed into it, not like a natural child-birth, but like an awakening from a deep sleep, you will find yourself made new. It's you, only the permanent, infinite version of you. Yes, you will recognize yourself and know yourself and so will others around you. You are conscious while waiting for the resurrection of new bodies and (asleep) during the process. Before you ask, but what about dreams? What about time? Well, simply put, there is none. Trust me, it will be the best rest you've ever had, because you will NOT dream and you NOT have any concept of what day it is or what year it is. You could die 5,000 years ago, be "awaken" tomorrow and it will feel like it was only last night. Cool concept on the Creator's part, to put a spiritual "do not disturb" sign on the door while we catch up on our rest. Considering the way most of us live our lives and the things we see in this world, it sounds like the best way to transition from life to death - a much needed rest.

Let's dispel some other rumors while we're on this topic. There is no such thing as "ghosts" in the sense that is it a loved one that passed on and can't find their way. The rules of the Universe, life and death, are pretty clear and super strict. You're born, you live, your body dies, your soul is put to "sleep". You will be awaken at the time of resurrection and re-membered. That's it. There is a great chasm between the living natural world and beyond and it cannot be breached through mediums, psychics, visions, ghosts, spirits, spells, potions, chants, prayers or any other man-made cocktail we believe can control the dead. Simply put, the dead do not see the living and have no knowledge or memory of what happens here after they're gone.

"the dead know not anything." It should be noted that the phrase "the memory of them is forgotten" does not mean that the dead are no longer remembered by the living. The world is filled with tombstones, photographs, history books, and other reminders of the dead. This phrase means simply that the dead themselves do not remember anything. How could they? As Solomon said, "The dead know not anything." It is true that some are uncomfortable with the idea that the dead actually rest in a state of unconsciousness. But this Bible teaching has been a source of great comfort for many who have been brought up to believe that the dead are burning in the fires of hell or purgatory. Others who imagine their departed loved ones looking down from heaven, are troubled by the thought that even after death, they must share in the misery that so many are experiencing here on earth. It is comforting to know that whatever our problems or failures are here, our departed loved ones are not in a position to share our grief or shame. True, the grave seems to us a cold and forbidding place. But remember, "the dead know not anything." They experience no pain, no anxiety, and no fear. They do not even experience the sensation of passing time. It is like they are in a deep, deep sleep. When they awake at the resurrection, it will be to them as only a moment's time, no matter how long they rested. Many will never sleep again."  (

First of all, what is resurrection? Well, let's define it by what it's not. It is not reincarnation. It is not limbo. It is not purgatory. It is not a religious term. It is not a mystical term in the fictional sense that it only happens to those who believe it exists. It is not a figment of human imagination. It is however, considered a supernatural act only because, we, as humans, do not actually control it. Just as we do not technically "control" the conception and birth. We have the ability to conceive and give birth, but not the ability to "create" conception and give definition to birth. This is the same with death and resurrection. It is, in a sense, conception and birth, all over again. You will come from a state of "nothing" into a state of "being" with knowledge of self and others and this time, there will be no death! Some call it being "born again" or "renewed" and my favorite, "remembered."

1 CORINTHIANS 15: 42-57
Life had one main purpose for existing, to defeat and overcome death. And it did. Physical death, gone. Spiritual death, outta here! Good stuff. Now this is the cool part. Here's the part YOU control. You have a choice. You can now decide, do you wish to be "alive" or do you wish to be "dead"? Meaning, do you want to have an eternal life of peace or an eternal life of unfathomable suffering? This should be easy, and you would think that any sane person would undoubtedly answer, I'll take door #1! But believe it or not, even after they are raised from the dead, made new, given a chance to live again, this time, without sorrow, without disease, without growing old, without fear of dying! They will still choose to live their lives in struggle, fear, frustration and pain. Forever. Forever is a mighty long time. Choose wisely.

~DeMaster A Thomas~



1 comment:

LP said...

Interesting. A long uninterrupted rest is what awaits.

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